奥地利TissueGnostics公司TissueFAXS Cytometry技术正是将Flow Cytometry流式细胞术中准确的数据呈现方法应用到组织图像定量分析中,通过散点图、直方图等呈现形式,在组织图像中实现了类流式的单细胞级别的蛋白质、核酸等分子表达量化、细胞分类统计等大数据的处理及分析。TissueFAXS Cytometry不仅把分析结果的准确性和数据丰度提...
Tuchin, V. V., Galanzha, A., and Zharov, V. P., "In vivo image flow cytometry. In: Tuchin VV, editors. Advanced optical flow cytometry: methods and disease diagnoses. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 387-433 (2011)....
ImageStreamX显微成像流式细胞仪 ImageStream X显微成像流式细胞仪是由美国Amnis公司推出的新型革命性的流式细胞 分析系统. ImageStreamX是一种台式多谱段成像流式细胞仪(Multispectral Imaging Flow Cytometry),能够最多同时采集 12 个检测通道中的细胞图像(图一).它将流式细胞检测与 荧光显微成像结合于一身,既能...
Flow cytometry can effectively detect cells with certain features if fluorescent antibodies or dyes are available; image flow cytometry, which obtains spatial images in addition to fluorescence intensities, can find more complex phenotypes such as cell cycle phases of individual cells. Blasi et al. ...
DNA PLOIDY PATTERN OF TESTICULAR YOLK SAC TUMOR ANALYZED BY IMAGE CYTOMETRY AND FLOW CYTOMETRY The aim of the present study was to compare the results of DNA analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue as measured by image cytometry (ICM) an... H Kato,M Suzuki - 東京慈恵会医科大学...
20世纪60.70年代至今--流式细胞术(Flow Cytometry);图像细胞术(Image Cytometry) 1954年,美国电气工程师Wallace Coulter与Joseph发明Coulter principle,第一台商业流式细胞仪Coulter counter面世。1953年,Crosland-Taylor设计了一个流动室装置奠定了现代流式细胞术中液流技术的基础。1960年后期,Van Dilla在Los Alamos国家...
blog.biopharm.org.tw|基于4个网页 3. 影像细胞测试法 ...式细胞仪法(flow cytometry),更新的影像细胞测试法(image cytometry)则可应用特定波长的光密度进行积分,进行特定蛋白质 … bl.dg.gd.cn|基于3个网页
image cytometryfluorescence measurementThis unit considers the issues of which tool to use--flow cytometry or imaging--and under what conditions. In particular, it compares the advantages and disadvantages of flow and image cytometry and provides examples illustrating the proper choice of each ...
This study assessed the role of flow cytometry (FCM), image analysis (IA), and interphase cytogenetics by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) as adjuncts in the cytodiagnosis of TCC in bladder washes. Forty separate samples of bladder washes were prospectively evaluated by conventional ...
Flow cytometry and quantitative image cell analyses were performed on a series of 31 chromophobe cell carcinoma and the findings were compared with those from 14 clear cell carcinomas. Thirty of 31 chromophobe cell carcinomas had significant hypodiploid cell clones with both techniques. By contrast,...