IM-qTOF-MSIon mobilityLC+LCNon-targetWaste waterNon-target analysis has become an important tool in the field of water analysis since a broad variety of pollutants from different sources are released to the water cycle. For identification of compounds in such complex samples, liquid chromatography...
(HDMSE) in the negative electrospray ionization mode were used to extend the coverage of untargeted metabolites characterization by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to a VionTM IM-QTOF (ion-mobility/quadrupole time-of-flight) high-resolution mass spectrometer. Efficient ...
In summary, we were able to show the potential of coupling IM-MS to classical separation methods like CZE (for the first time) or HPLC. Coeluting substances can now be separated by their size, resulting in different drift times in the IMS. This allows to separate neutral compounds, which...
Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a non-targeted lipidomic LC-ESI-IM-qToF-MS method based on 270 egg samples, which achieved a classification accuracy of 96.3%. Subsequently, surrogate minimal depth (SMD) was applied to select important variables identified as caro...
Comparative Analysis of Polyphenols in Lycium barbarum Fruits Using UPLC-IM-QTOF-MSNINGXIA Huizu Zizhiqu (China)PLANT polyphenolsPOLYPHENOLSTIME-of-flight mass spectrometryBUCKWHEATGALLIC acidION mobilityFRUITVariety, geographical origin, and harvest season are important factors affectin...
In the present work, low-field drift tube ion mobility (DTIM) separation is evaluated for this task using a LC-DAD-DTIM-QTOFMS method. DTIM-MS allows accurate determination of collision cross sections ((CCS)-C-DT) for all analysed compounds as well as a precise alignment tool for ...
Food Monitoring: Limitations of Accelerated Storage to Predict Molecular Changes in Hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.) under Realistic Conditions Using UPLC-ESI-IM-QTOF-MS. Metabolites 2023, 13, 1031. AMA Style Loesel H, Shakiba N, Wenck S, Le Tan P, ...
Identity confirmation of anthocyanins in berries by LC–DAD–IM‐QTOFMSdoi:10.1002/elps.202000274María Del Mar Delgado-PovedanoAndré de VilliersStephan HannTim CausonJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
A New Workflow for the Visualization and Identification of Lipids by LC Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (IM-MS) Using IMS-QTOF with FragmentationThe lipid extract samples were analyzed both with and without separation in the drift space so that an accurate comparison of the results could be done....