Furthermore, the same sample was analyzed with a two-dimensional LC method, called LC+LC, developed in our group for the coupling to IM-qTOF-MS. This four dimensional separation platform revealed 53 different compounds, identified over exact mass and CCS, in the examined wastewater sample. It...
Methods: Prior to low-field drift tube ion mobility (IM) separation and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (QTOFMS) detection, rapid ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography separation was used for analysis of different concentration levels of dansylated metabolites present in a yeast cell ...
Contaminant screening of wastewater with HPLC-IM-qTOF-MS and LC+LC-IM-qTOF-MS using a CCS database. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2016;408:6545–55. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Stolker AAM, Niesing W, Fuchs R, Vreeken RJ, Niessen WMA, Brinkman UAT. Liquid chromatography with triple-...
(HDMSE) in the negative electrospray ionization mode were used to extend the coverage of untargeted metabolites characterization by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to a VionTM IM-QTOF (ion-mobility/quadrupole time-of-flight) high-resolution mass spectrometer. Efficient ...
Doing this is useful for preparing data files that can be read by other MassHunter programs that predate the IM-MS QTOF (for example, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, Profinder, etc.) • This file does not retain any drift time information. Effectively, the data for each frame ...
(ms and ms/ms); collision energy: −35 v (ms/ms); collision energy spread 15 v (ms/ms). 2.6. screening and target prediction of cfie active compounds smiles of the compounds obtained in hplc-esi-qtof-ms/ms were searched using the pubchem database ( ), and the components not ...
Twenty-nine compounds of CFIE were identified by HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS, and their potential targets were predicted. Among these, 41 targets were associated with DU. KEGG enrichment analysis showed that the PI3K/AKT and HIF-1α signalling pathways were significantly enriched, which may be related...
master .github cmd deploy pkg test tools version .gitignore .goreleaser.yaml CHANGELOG Dockerfile LICENSE NOTICE README.md bootstrap.sh config-sample.yaml go.mod go.sum install-livekit.sh magefile.go magefile_unix.go magefile_windows.go ...
In summary, we were able to show the potential of coupling IM-MS to classical separation methods like CZE (for the first time) or HPLC. Coeluting substances can now be separated by their size, resulting in different drift times in the IMS. This allows to separate neutral compounds, which...
Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a non-targeted lipidomic LC-ESI-IM-qToF-MS method based on 270 egg samples, which achieved a classification accuracy of 96.3%. Subsequently, surrogate minimal depth (SMD) was applied to select important variables identified as caro...