Next-generation sequencing Microarray technology Data analysis and insights Products and services The comprehensive technology you need. The service and support you deserve. Designed with your results in mind. Sequencing platforms Unparalleled NGS range from benchtop to production scale ...
Trusted technology and proven performance empower scientists to explore further, with confidence. View production-scale and benchtop sequencers, compare features, and learn how to choose the right next-generation sequencing (NGS) platform for your needs. ...
一、测序技术的发展史 高通量测序(High-Throughput Sequencing)又名下一代测序(Next Generation Sequencing,NGS),是相对于传统的Sanger测序(Sanger Sequencing)而言的。目前高通量测序的主要平台代表有罗氏公司(Roche)的454测序仪(Roch GS FLX sequencer)(已终止服务),Illumina公司的测序仪(Illumina Genome Analyzer)和ABI...
目前我们接触到的很多生物信息学的技术,都是基于NGS技术的,比如RNA-Seq,ChIP-Seq,FAIRE-Seq,ChIA-PET,Hi-C等等。所谓的NGS就是Next Generation Sequencing,翻译为“下一代测序技术”,或者是“第二代测序技术”。之所以这么叫,是因为相较于第一代测序技术其测序通量有了很大的提升。 其实,二代测序比较常见的有罗...
下一代测序(Next generation sequencing, NGS),也称为二代测序,是区别于Sanger测序的高通量测序技术。其中,illumina测序是目前最常见的二代测序技术之一,其单次运行可以在几十个小时内输出30万碱基到数万亿碱基的测序数据。 这次主要介绍一下illumina测序的主要流程,包括:文库制备、加载到flowcell、桥式PCR扩增、测序。
Illumina's Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) workflow is a sophisticated and highly efficient process that enables researchers to unravel the mysteries of genetics with speed and accuracy. The workflow on Illumina platforms can be broken down into three main steps: library preparation, sequencing, and...
现今的生信领域几乎就是和无数的序列打交道,而这些序列的来源就是如今风靡的高通量测序技术,现今的测序不论是测RNA、DNA、miRNA还是ChIP-Seq等等,都是基于NGS(二代测序,next-generation sequencing)的技术发展而来的,目前最为常用的就是illumina公司的测序技术,当然除了illumina公司外还是有其它二代测序技术存在的,ABI...
二代测序(next generation sequencing 直译为新一代测序)中的 Illumina 避开了电泳获得ddNTP产生的短条带的方法,虽然依然基于PCR,但它运用了“边合成边测序”的思想,在合成的同时让碱基本身产生荧光信号,代替原来一代测序的繁琐程序。 当然,前两天 illumina把 PacBio 收购了,但它的二代测序实在是太深入人心,在我心...
Using Illumina next-generation sequencing (NGS), the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Ducetia japonica was sequenced in the present study. The mitogenome of D. japonica (Genbank accession no. KU885974) is 16,276 bp in size, had the typical invertebrate mitochondrial gene ...
Professor Yaoming Liang, Chairman and CEO of KingMed Diagnostics. “Illumina is the ideal collaborator because they have a proven track-record of working with multiple domestic companies in China, in addition to being the first company with a U.S. FDA-cleared, next-generation sequencing ...