Chapter 7. Illocutionary Force Indicating Devices: IFIDsEva Ogiermann
The central point of Searle's analysis is that a proposition is not an act, and that the felicity conditions, called conditions of satisfaction in Searle's account, therefore do not apply to the propositional content, but to the use of the illocutionary force indicating device. The account inc...
23. The similarities shows that the strategy ofillocutionaryforce indicating device (IFID) and the strategy of taking on responsibility are in the most frequent use. 相同之处在于几乎所有的研究对象都倾向于使用“明确表达道歉策略”及“承担责任策略”而“保证策略”的使用频率最低。
Facial expressions and speech acts: experimental evidences on the role of the upper face as an illocutionary force indicating device in language comprehension. Cogn Process 18, 285–306 (2017). Download citation Received20 June 2016 Accepted12 April ...
的illocutionaryforceindicatingdevice包括词序,重音,语调模 式,标点,动词的语气及所谓的行为动词,同时他又说通常在 实际言语情境中,语境会使话语的施事功能十分明确,不必 要借用合适的显性施事动能标示词.一切都表明言语行 为的研究必须上升到语用行为(pragmaticacts)的研究. Mey认为,就情境意义上来说,只存在间接言语...
Facial expressions and speech acts: experimental evidences on the role of the upper face as an illocutionary force indicating device in language comprehension Language scientists have broadly addressed the problem of explaining how language users recognize the kind of speech act performed by a speaker ...
illocutionary force indicating devicefunction-to-form corpus analysisquestionsreader engagementcorpus-based contrastive analysisCorpus research on questions as reader engagement markers in academic writing typically focuses on direct questions. Such questions are signalled by question marks and are relatively ...