的illocutionaryforceindicatingdevice包括词序,重音,语调模 式,标点,动词的语气及所谓的行为动词,同时他又说通常在 实际言语情境中,语境会使话语的施事功能十分明确,不必 要借用合适的显性施事动能标示词.一切都表明言语行 为的研究必须上升到语用行为(pragmaticacts)的研究. Mey认为,就情境意义上来说,只存在间接言语...
23. The similarities shows that the strategy ofillocutionaryforce indicating device (IFID) and the strategy of taking on responsibility are in the most frequent use. 相同之处在于几乎所有的研究对象都倾向于使用“明确表达道歉策略”及“承担责任策略”而“保证策略”的使用频率最低。
Publication DateOctober 2009 PreviousChapter TableofContents NextChapter INFORMATION Visit our'Help'- pagewith information for readers, librarians, distributors. For information on ourprint publications, please visitbenjamins.com. Authors: visit our general website for information onsubmitting a journal arti...
They have done so by investigating the role played by the illocutionary force indicating devices (IFIDs), i.e., all linguistic elements that indicate the illocutionary force of an utterance. The present work takes a first step in the direction of an experimental investigation of non-verbal IF...