In the first set, we confirmed an enrichment of insulin signaling-associated molecules among the genes that were significantly different between SZ patients and controls in unbiased expression profiling data. In the second set, olfactory neuronal cells from SZ and BP patients who were not pre-...
Often they are in close contact with receptor cells, which first receive the information from the outside world and turn it into messages that the neuron can understand. Motor neurons make it possible for people to move the muscles in different parts of the body. These neurons' cell bodies ...
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rare disease that affects the motor neurons of the body. These cells make up the nerves that control movement of the voluntary, or skeletal, muscles. The cause of ALS is unknown in most cases, but it is known that some cases are hereditary, or ...
Research has shown that EMFs (RF and ELF) have deleterious effects on brain neurons and brain functioning (81). Epidemiological research has also shown an increased risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia from occupational and residential exposure to ELF. Neurological effects of radio-frequency radiation ...