The characteristic of tasks is manipulated: welldefined or ill-defined creative task. Findings – The paper finds that heterogeneous teams get more creative production than homogenous teams in solving the well-defined task. No significant difference was found in the creative production for the ill-...
First Known Use Verb before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2 Time Traveler The first known use of bode was before the 12th century See more words from the same century Dictionary Entries Near bode boddice bode Bode's law See More Nearby Entries Cite...
Evidence has suggested that clevidipine may provide faster blood pressure (BP) reduction with less volume than nicardipine in stroke and cardiothoracic surgery patients, but its use in hypertensive crises has not been well established. The primary objective of this study was to compare the treatment ...
5,6 Although the need for RRT in patients with severe AKI and life-threatening complications is unequivocal, the timing of RRT initiation in patients with severe AKI without such complications has not yet been defined. Earlier initiation of RRT may produce benefits by avoiding hypervolemia, ...
BACKGROUND: Although thrombocytopenia in the intensive care unit (ICU) is associated with a poorer outcome, the precise relationship between the time course of platelet counts and the mortality rate has not been well defined. OBJECTIVE: To describe the time course of the platelet count in relation...
While several effective therapies for critically ill patients with COVID-19 have been identified in large, well-conducted trials, the mechanisms underlying these therapies have not been investigated in depth. Our aim is to investigate the association between various immunosuppressive therapies (corticostero...
Recognition vs. classification of ill-defined category exemplars - Omohundro - 1981 () Citation Context ... Gray, Johnson, & Boyes-Bream, 1976), naturals(Herrnstein, 1990; Lea & Ryan, 1984; Wasserman & DeVolder,s1993; Wittgenstein, 1968) illdefined (Bourne, Dominowski, & Loftus, 1979; ...
Severe hypoglycemia was defined as a glucose level of 40 mg/dl or less. The glycemic target for critically ill patients was set between 140 and 180 mg/dL. Fingerstick glucose measurements were used in the ICU for convenience and quick response to altering glycemic states. The frequency of ...
An apheresis registry collecting the type of apheresis procedures performed in the ICU as well as indications, intensity of therapeutic procedures, reasons to continue or discontinue and associated outcomes is strongly encouraged. Question 4. How to identify critically ill patients at risk of complicatio...
We defined the ICU‐free days as 30 minus the number of days in the ICU (range, 0–30 days). For patients who survived and were in the ICU for less than 30 days, the ICU‐free day's outcome measure was obtained by subtracting the length of the ICU stay from 30. Any patient who...