比well-defined差的是ill-defined,比ill-defined差的是un-defined,遇到最后者才是工作中的常态?和同事相约公司加班,一块Check需求,最后基本可以定义为一个Keyphrase Extraction的问题。要啥评价指标,产品经理妹子就是我们的评价指标。回头想想自己的NRE任务,setting不清楚也会带来淡淡的忧伤。 2杭州·中节能・西溪首座...
We also predicted that self-reported epistemic beliefs (i. e. assumptions about the nature and acquisition of knowledge) would be related to ill-defined, but not well-defined, solutions. Results confirmed these predictions. We concluded that well-defined and ill-defined problems require separate ...
Recently, researchers have started to develop educational systems which are intended to support solving ill-defined problems. Most researchers agree that there is no sharp distinction but rather a continuum between well-definedness and ill-definedness. However, positioning a problem within this ...
3. WELL-DEFINED AND ILL-DEFINEDThe second sentence of CIO (§2) alludes to a branch of modernmathematical logic known as the theory of computability andunsolvability. The allusion is crucial, not incidental. As Chomskysays (1965, p. 8):Although it was well understood [in the nineteenth cen...
Measuring Well What Is Ill Defined?doi:10.1080/15366367.2017.1369772DavidPontificiaTorresPontificiaIrribarraPontificiaInformaworldMeasurement Interdisciplinary Research & Perspectives
We coded the frequency of modest and inflated praise. Praise was defined as positive evaluations of the student’s traits, actions, or products96. Inflated praise was defined as praise containing an adverb (e.g., very, incredibly) or adjective (e.g., amazing, fantastic) signaling a very po...
Being an infrastructural, widespread activity, measurement is laden with stereotypes. Some of these concern the role of measurement in the relation between quality and quantity. In particular, it is sometimes argued or assumed that quantification is necessary for measurement; it is also sometimes ...
Given this, there is a scarcity of related research that will help improve teachers' prediction capabilities on students' line of actions when tackling ill-defined problems (IDPs), as well as how emerging data mining techniques could contribute to such prediction. The present study aims to fill...
Well-being is a multidimensional construct, including subjective, psychological, spiritual, and social dimensions (Wiliyanarti et al.,2020). Subjective well-being can be defined as the happiness and satisfaction a person attains in their life, which is related to the body, mind, and context in...
(defined by high persistence and reward dependence, and low novelty seeking and harm avoidance), the ‘sensitive’ profile (high harm avoidance, reward dependence, and novelty seeking), and the ‘antisocial’ profile (high novelty seeking, low reward dependence and persistence)22. Similar latent ...