Grades: 1st- 5th el/le Endings Flipchart A 9 page flipchart about when to use le or el endings. Student interaction includes highlighting, revealing answers, and writing. Grade Level: 2nd-3rd August 23, 2010 Kelly Tenkely Kelly’s Other Sites ...
), but this online reading log works more as a motivator and goal setter for reading. I like that the focus is not on the number of pages read but on what books that a student is reading. This could encourage great conversation about reading between students who are reading similar books...
NoteSake also provides students or teachers with the ability to collaborate in groups. Students can take notes for a group project in NoteSake and share with other group members. NoteSake is a God-send for the student who missed a class due to an illness…other students or teachers can share...
and there’s only so much a teacher can fit into a class period that’s less than an hour. Providing that information to a student while they take their notes in class seems like the right direction. It encourages active learning by allowing a student to ask a lot of questions and find...
studnet.substring(1)//从第一个字符串截取到最后一个字符串student.substring(1,3)//[1,3) 数组 Array可以包含任意的数据类型 vararr = [1,2,3,4,5,6] 1、长度 arr.length 注意:加入给arr.length赋值,数值大小就会发生变化~,如果赋值过小,元素就会丢失 ...
<!--按照结果嵌套处理--> <select id="getStudent2" resultMap="StudentTeacher2"> select sid, sname, tname from student s,teacher t where s.tid =; </select> <resultMap id="StudentTeacher2" type="Student"> <result property="id" column="sid"/> <result ...
Student Name-In the whole of history, there has never been another one just like them. With this name comes unique gifts, passions, and a vantage point on the world. With this name comes unique genius all their own. The student name is a bold reminder of theidentity. ...
That student taught his grandparents how to get onto, login, and add content. Parents were enthusiastic about using Geni; they were able to involve extended family in their child’s learning experiences. Geni brought families closer together through a classroom project. Students learned ...
Each of our students blogs as well, we can’t share those publicly because we use full student names. Occasionally I may let you have a peek at some of our student writing by republishing the post anonymously. For now you will have to take my word for it, these kids are amazing. ...
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