ILC2s did not express mRNA or protein for Rorct (Figure 1e and Supplementary Figure 1A) or express Il17a or Il22 (Figure 1e). Thus, KLRG1 expression on Lin–Thy1.2 þ cells faithfully marked GATA- 3 þ RORgT– cells (Supplementary Figure 1A,C) as reported previously,20 and GATA-...
Fig. 1:CircKcnt2is highly induced in ILC3s during intestinal inflammation. aHeatmap of differentially expressed circRNAs (100 most upregulated and 100 most downregulated) in small intestinal ILC3s (Lin−CD45lowCD90high) fromRag1−/−mice treated with or without DSS. ILC3s in intestines...
The commonly decreased genes, including Il17a, Il17f, and Nrp1, which have been reported to be preferentially expressed by the LTi-like ILC3s (CCR6+ILC3s) (Klose et al., 2013; Shikhagaie et al., 2017), were confirmed to be reduced at the mRNA level in Setd2–/–NKp46–ILC3s...
Il17a-/-小鼠gCCR6+ILC3和gNCR+ILC3均降低,而mLN-ILC3无变化,表明IL-17a对于两群gILC3中Tox2诱导的重要性。总之,这些结果表明IL-17a和Hif-1α参与gILC3中Tox2介导的代谢调节。 综上所述,该研究鉴定IL-17a和缺氧诱导Tox2介导的糖酵解代谢促...