此外,与皮质醇类似,IL-6的分泌具有昼夜节律,通常在早上8点左右达到峰值,而这被认为与RA患者出现的晨僵症状有关。阻断IL-6受体通路可显著缓解晨僵,并减轻疼痛和疲劳[3]。 图2 IL-6的多效性 IL-6踏行“铁”路,诱发贫血 IL-6可诱发RA患者贫血,主要通过阻...
宿主通过负调节系统(如配体诱导的gp130内化、降解以及SOCS募集)、停止IL-6介导的信号转导级联激活以及Regnase-1降解IL-6 mRNA终止IL-6产生等方式去除压力源。IL-6在疾病发展中的病理作用已在多发性瘤、类风湿性关节炎、艾滋病、系膜增殖性肾小球肾炎、败血症和骨质疏松症等多种疾病中得到验证,通过基因敲除或施用...
40 Crucian and associates found that virus-specific T-cell function was diminished in 19 astronauts during 10–15-day shuttle flights; they also noted in-flight dysregulation of CD8+ T-cell subsets and diminished leukocyte secretion of IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-10, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-6 in ...
值得注意的是,在WT小鼠中对IL6R的药理阻断可以在IL6Ra TKO小鼠中发现肌肉功能缺陷,从而突出了这一发现的临床意义。 论文ID 题目:Regulatory T cells require IL6 receptor alphasignaling to control skeletal musclefunction and regenera...
表1. 精神应激诱导的IL-6变化与研究结局的关系 结论 在稳定型CAD患者中,基线IL-6水平升高与HF发生和复发风险增加近3倍独立相关,而急性应激诱导的IL-6变化与之无关。抗炎干预对CAD患者HF风险的影响需要更多的研究。 专家点评 季晓平 教授 IL-6是一种控制炎症和免疫反应的中枢细胞信号因子。既往研究表明,IL-6水平...
近日,来自耶鲁大学药学院的Andrew Wang 研究团队在Cell上发表了题为Origin and Function of Stress-Induced IL-6 in Murine Models的研究,揭示了应激状态产生的IL-6的主要来源是棕色脂肪组织,并阐明了IL-6水平升高的重要的生理学意义。 作者发现,与之前报道一致,小鼠在不同的压力刺激下 (如更换笼子,社交隔离等) ...
et al. Inhibition of IL-6 function corrects Th17/Treg imbalance in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Arthritis Rheum. 64, 2499–2503 (2012). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Hueber, W. et al. Effects of AIN457, a fully human antibody to interleukin-17A, on psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, ...
We did not detect significant changes in the quantity of canonical stress hormones (Figures S1C and S1D) or stress-induced heart rate or hypertension (Figure S2A) after acute stress in the absence of IL-6 function, suggesting that autonomic output was not significantly impacted by IL-6. In...
最近一项研究表明,负面情绪引发的焦虑情绪会直接导致肥胖。该研究于2020年7月,由耶鲁大学药学院 Andrew Wang 团队在国际顶尖学术期刊 Cell 杂志发表,题为:Origin and Function of Stress-Induced IL-6 in Murine Models 。 该研究对焦虑如何引发人体肥胖的机制有了新的发现,即外界压力会使细胞因子白细胞介素-6(IL...
ILGenerator mthdIL = dotProductMthd.GetILGenerator(); // Here's the body of our function, in MSIL form. We're going to find the // "dot product" of the current vector instance with the passed vector // instance. For reference purposes, the equation is: // (x1 * x2) + (y1 *...