异常显示 描述:iis管理器点开不了,界面显示Not FoundHTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found,如下图:处理办法 双击打开不了:internet information services (iis)管理器 解决方法:按路径“c:\windows\system32\inetsrv”确认‘inetsrv’文件夹里是否有‘iis.msc’文件如果有就双击打开:iis.msc;...
iis7 HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found. 修复 Microsoft. NET Framework 4.0 后——》打开 IIS 管理器 ——》测试 php Manager 如果显示无法显示网页,则重复测试就可以了, 当出现下面的页面,证明已经恢复正常了。 您的评论 发布评论 用户评价 很好,作者还有其他关于iis7的文档吗? 2018-...
iis7 HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found iis7 HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found. 修复 Microsoft. NET Framework 4.0 后——》打开 IIS 管理器 ——》测试 php Manager 如果显示无法显示网页,则重复测试就可以了, 当出现下面的页面,证明已经恢复正常了。
the error of "HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found." I have both the site and the app pool running. I have restarted/recycled both. I have searched, Google, Stack Overflow, and this site for ideas. I tried several of the answers provided to no avail. I am f...
The error 404 means the requested page is not found. Can you let me know the binding config of your IIS? How are your trying to access the site(URL)? Generally, if you have configured the hostname parameter in bindings and if you try access the site other than the specified host...
1。应用池版本 2.高级配置 3.修改域名端口 HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found. 同一个域名被占用80 至少一个其他网站正在使用同一 HTTPS 绑定,而此绑定用另一个证书配置。 端口443部署多个Https证书 不重启就好了,提示错误无视就行!
The requested resource is in use 1,权限问题,找到system32下的VBSCRIPT.dll和JSCRIPT.dll给与everyone 读取,运行权限。 2,依此在国外的网站寻找结果. 发现是VBSCRIPT和JSCRIPT的DLL注册丢失所致, 依下面的方法重新注册DLL组件后问题解决,特此记录. First:
403.15- prohibits access: client access licenses have exceeded the limit on the Web server. The 403.16- client certificate is either untrusted or invalid. The 403.17- client certificate has expired or is not yet in effect. 403.18- cannot execute the requested URL in the current application pool...
Here, the account logon is sysadmin, the password is rad$4, the server is ftp.microsoft.com, and the requested resource is public/download.If a connection is made to an FTP server without specifying the username and password, the FTP client (or Web browser) will assume that the user ...