Server Error in '/AKSB' Application. The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is sp...
Theresourcecannotbefound. Description:HTTP404.Theresourceyouarelookingfor(oroneofitsdependencies)couldhavebeenremoved,haditsnamechanged,oristemporarilyunavailable.PleasereviewthefollowingURLandmakesurethatitisspelledcorrectly. RequestedURL:/signin.aspx 如果是IIS7.0的运行环境,添加该配置 <system.webServer> ...
The only difference is the particular type of network resource in use in each case. Configuration and Multi-Protocol Addressing In order for an application to be activated by WAS, it first needs to be configured. Each application hosted in WAS has a corresponding configuration entry located in ...
Once the listener service has connected to WAS and received configuration information, it can open its network resource and begin listening for messages. For TCP, this causes NetTcpActivator to trigger a socket to open and an asynchronous call to Socket.Accept to be made, at ...
404.0Not foundThe file that you try to access is moved or doesn't exist. 404.1Site Not FoundThe requested website doesn't exist. 404.2ISAPI or CGI restriction.The requested ISAPI resource or the requested CGI resource is restricted on the computer. For more information, seeHTTP Error 404.2....
resource was not found). <errorFilter> <test> <equalbinding="HttpStatusCode"value="404"valueType="Int32"/> </test> </errorFilter> --> <!-- Don't log 404 --> <errorFilter> <test> <equalbinding="HttpStatusCode"value="404"valueType="Int32"/> ...
command not found Linux下查看指定端口的占用情况 Linux/Unix系统常用查找命令 linux下常用打包与压缩命令 禁止生成 mysql-bin.0000X 日志文件 DA面板出现Directory "xxx" is writeable by group Centos出现 rm: cannot remove x: Read-only file system 的解决办法 Cannot find a C compiler, aborting Linux模...
Server Error in Application - The resource cannot be found. Server Side Date Range filtering with Datatables and Razor Pages Server-side Paging,Filtering & Sorting using MVC6 grid inside my mvc core service not available 503, works when published! serviceProvider.GetService DbContext in...
The description for Event ID 1 from source DbgHost cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on...
an error that the client made, e.g. bad syntax or a request to a resource that doesn't exist. You can try this by requesting a bogus URL from the web-site of your choice, for example: http://<IIS7Server>/this_resource_does_not_exist. You get a "404 - File not ...