In IIS and under our application pool we used a setting called "Load User Profile" = Y. This has stopped working for some weeks back. The Application Pool can be started with tis setting set to true but when someone browse the web site related to this application pool the APP pool ...
这个appcmd 指令将为缺省应用程序池关闭 loadUserProfile. 假如您的程序运行于不同的应用程序池(AppPool), 就相应改动一下: %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config -section:applicationPools /[name='DefaultAppPool'].processModel.loadUserProfile:false 这条命令将把网络服务的临时目录权限改为可读可写。如果...
首先,刚配置好iis,浏览网站却提示: 显然,IIS配置出问题了。 于是打开IIS,发现应用程序池:(keyword:应用程序池已停止,DefaultAppPool) 好吧,启动。 继续浏览网站: 应用程序池: 结果就是只要浏览网站,应用程序池就自动停止了。 期间在iis配置上得到下图:(keyword:无法验证对。。。的访问) 网上查了下,然后没查到...
What exactly happens when I set LoadUserProfile in IIS pool Well, the user profile is loaded. This includes their cryptographic store, environment variables such as %TEMP%, and other ones. What it eventually boils down to isLoadUserProfileis called by IIS when the AppPool starts. what negative ...
右键单击ADFSAppPool,然后选择“删除”。 备注 接下来的两个步骤演示如何从“inetpub”目录中删除 \adfs 目录。 如果对此目录中的内容进行了自定义更改,建议先将此内容备份到另一个位置,然后再删除目录。 在Windows 资源管理器中,浏览到“inetpub”目录。 此目录位于以下路径中: ...
Have you tried setting the option under the Application Pool -> Advanced Settings -> Process Model -> Load User Profile = True? We have a web app that will throw errors because windows will unload the user profile. Setting this to true keeps it from causing the issue. ...
AppPoolRecycleIsapiUnhealthy 因为 ISAPI 报告状态不良,所以当工作者处理序要求回收时会记录事件。AppPoolRecycleOnDemand 当系统管理员要求对应用程式集区中所有的处理序进行回收时,会记录事件。AppPoolRecycleConfigChange 如果因为要求回收的其中一个应用程式集区属性已变更,所以对应用程式集区进行回收,...
1.应用程序池(Application Pool)由DefaultAppPool设置为Classic .NET AppPool 2.在Access数据库所在的目录添加“Authenticated Users”用户,并设置完全控制权限 让IIS7支持ASP 1. 让IIS7支持ASP Windows Vista中IIS7是默认不安装的,所以在安装完Windows Vista之后如果需要安装IIS7的话,就要自己动手了。安装的步骤为:...
Winows+Nginx下SSL证书安装 Linux+Apache下安装SSL证书 windows+Apache下安装SSL证书 Linux+Nginx下SSL证书安装 phpstudy如何安装ssl证书 Liunx下Mysql导入utf8mb4数据需要注意的事项 CentOS服务器设置自动时间同步 勒索病毒Bad Rabbit来袭,蓝队发布解决方案 User Profile Service服务未能登录 由于另一个程序或正在运行的服...
If you set the option to load the user profile the temporary directory will be now change to use the profile’s temporary folder C:\Users\apppooluserid\AppData\Local\Temp.If the profile is loaded you also have access to all the custom environment variables for that...