In IIS and under our application pool we used a setting called "Load User Profile" = Y. This has stopped working for some weeks back. The Application Pool can be started with tis setting set to true but when someone browse the web site related to this application pool the APP pool ...
Everytime we do a deployment, this app pool gets deployed with a new version and we have to log onto each web server to set the Loaduser profile to True and it about 30 servers to do manually, is there a way I can get this automated via a script like…
Have you tried setting the option under the Application Pool -> Advanced Settings -> Process Model -> Load User Profile = True? We have a web app that will throw errors because windows will unload the user profile. Setting this to true keeps it from causing the issue. quaxOctober 2, 20...
1 你在浏览器输入网址报这样的错误 2 然后打开你的internet信息服务(IIS)管理器 3 点击“应用程序池”4 在右边找到你的网站名字,右键“高级设置”5 找到“进程模型”的标识 6 点开“标识”的下拉框,选择localsystem即可
错误为:用户 'IIS APPPOOL\{站点名} AppPool'登录失败 进入“Internet 信息服务(IIS)管理器”,然后选择左侧列表的应用程序池,在右边选择你的站点,右击选择“高级设置 ”,在打开的对话框中,找到“进程模型”节点,将“标识”从ApplicationPoolIdentity改成LocalSystem。这样问题就解决啦。
Here’s a question what do you think will the temporary folder be when the Application Pool identity is set to Network Service and Load User Profile is set to True ?It is not C:\Users\NetworkService\AppData\Local\Temp. but C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\...
在应用程序池列表中,找到"当前标识IIS APPPOOL╲.NET.V4.5"对应的应用程序池。右键点击该应用程序池,并选择"高级设置"。 在弹出的对话框中,找到"标识"选项,并点击右侧的"…“按钮。在弹出的"应用程序池标识"对话框中,选择合适的标识,例如"LocalSystem”。
用户'IISAPPPOOL\XXX项目 登录失败。" 运行MVC框架后可能会提示这个问题时,可以参考下如下的解决方法: 1、数据库: 打开sql server 2005(2008) management studio 安全性->登录名->右击新建登录名->常规->搜索->添加SERVICE用户->服务器角色->勾上sysadmin ...
当前标识(IIS APPPOOL\XXXX)没有对“C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files”的写访问权限。 1. 2、解决办法 以管理员身份运行PowerShell; 然后运行如下命令(注意命令中的IIS APPPOOL\XXXX为上述错误中括号中的内容): ...
Load User Profile [loadUserProfile] Specifies whether IIS loads the user profile for an application pool identity. When set toTrue, IIS loads the user profile for the application pool identity. Set toFalsewhen you require IIS 6.0 behavior. ...