A TB blood test is preferred over a TB skin test for certain people, including those who have been vaccinated with the bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) TB vaccine and those who may be unable to attend multiple appointments as required for a TB skin test. ...
exposures.Shehasnosymptoms.ShereceivedtheBCGvaccineasachild.Laboratorytest- ingshowednormalchemistryandhematologyvaluesandanegativeHIVtest.TheTSTre- vealsanindurationof20mm.BecauseoftheTSTresult,thepatienthasachestradiograph performed,whichwasunremarkable.TreatmentforlatentTBinfection(LTBI)wasrecom- ...
。本 研究 表明 TB—IGRA 在 10~ 6O岁 结核 患者 中的检 出率 为 87.2 9/6,与其 他学 者报 道的 检测 水平 一致 。结 核菌 素皮 肤试 验 目前 普 遍用 于各 医院 的结 核科 室对 疑似结核杆菌感染者的辅助检 测,但该 方法容 易受 BCG 的影 响 ,因此 临床 上一 般 认为T ST...
evaluation of the global burden of LTBI, stratification of preventive therapy and post-exposure vaccine efficacy, higher resolution targeting of LTBI preventive therapy, potential use as a biomarker for efficacy evaluation of novel PT regimens for drug-susceptible and drug-resistant-TB, and PT test ...