流式免疫分析显示异常细胞主要表型为CD5-CD10-,CD103+CD11C,CD25-CD123-,与毛细胞白血病变异型的特征相符。分子生物学检测发现IGH FR1-JH、IGH FR2-JH、IGH DH-JH、IGK Vk-Jk、IGK Vk-Kde+intron-Kde基因重排,提示B细胞淋巴瘤可能。淋巴结穿刺活检与骨髓活检...
本研究主要检测B-ALL患儿骨髓样本中IGH基因的可变区(V)、多变区(D)、连接区(J)及IGK的V、J区,包括:IGH VH-FR2、IGH VH-FR3、IGH DH-JH、IGK Vk-Jk/Kde(优势克隆序列指占比≥5%的序列,即克隆序列的有效测序读数与样本中有...
Detailed molecular analysis of DH-JH recombination60 and VH-DJH recombination3,20,61 at the Igh locus has provided strong evidence for the convergent alignment of RSS sequences by loop extrusion (Fig. 7). Convergent alignment by loop extrusion prior to VH-DJH recombination requires, however, ...
复查igh基因,显示dh-jh阳性,诊断igh基因重排。这说明就有微小残留病灶吗?伯基特淋巴瘤结疗11月复查 ...
很早就出现工gH基因重排,重排时DH与JH首先重排,即一个DH片 段与一个JH片段结合,去掉DH与JH之间的核昔酸序列,然后是一 个VH与已重排的DH-JH结合去掉VH与DH之间的核普酸序列,最后 再与恒定区基因片段 (CH) 重排,形成完整的工gH基因。重排过 程中V叮基因片段之间的结合是随机的且随机结合的片段之间可 ...
The intronic Eμ enhancer is essential for Igh recombination by regulating germline transcription and chromatin accessibility in the DH-JH region (Afshar et al., 2006, Chakraborty et al., 2009, Perlot et al., 2005). The Eμ enhancer was also implicated in Igh locus contraction by mediating ...
The DH to JH rearrangement step occurs in both Igh alleles7. This event has recently been proposed to for secondary rearrangement, that is, the mVHarktothDeJHDJsHtagjuen8,ctainond once a productive secondary rearrangement takes place in one of the alleles of the pro-B cell, expression of ...
The DH to JH rearrangement step occurs in both Igh alleles7. This event has recently been proposed to mark the DJH junction for secondary rearrangement, that is, the VH to DJH stage8, and once a productive secondary rearrangement takes place in one of the alleles of the pro-B cell, expre...
and most notably by the intronic 5′Eμelement located in the JH to Cμintron.3 The intergenic control region 1(IGCR1)located between the VH and D gene clusters inhibits rearrangement of the most DH-proximal VH gene segments,while promoting usage of distal VH gene segments.4 Other ...
DH-JH 区进行联合测定, 并同一区的引物对不同条 碱基合并成一管进行扩增,3 组合并检出结果为 82% (40/49)。 与欧洲BIOMED-2 方案所不同的是本研究 通过兼并碱基来处理不同碱基兼容性的问题。对IgH FR1、FR2 和 FR3 区基因重排进行测定,发现 FR3 区 ...