过敏原特异性IgG+记忆B细胞与IgE记忆反应存在暂时性时间关联 Allergen-specific IgG+ memory B cells are temporally linked to IgE memory responses 过敏性疾病通常是终身的,即使在没有过敏原暴露的情况下,其持久性的维持也需要免疫记...
Antibody memory is the basis for nearly all successful vaccines. B lymphocytes are responsible for the protective antibody responses arising from the recognition of the invaded pathological antigens by the surface expressed B cell receptor (BCR). Upon the first encounter with an antigen, the IgM-BC...
⑤我们首次发现,在粘膜暴露于过敏原时,人的IgE记忆存在于过敏原特异性IgG+记忆B细胞中。这些细胞快速转换亚型并扩展为存活短暂的IgE+ 浆母细胞,成为治疗干预的潜在靶点。 延伸阅读 JACI [IF:13.1] Allergen-specific IgG+ memory B cells are temporally linked to IgE memory responses https://doi.org/10.1016/...
T cellsT cell differentiationCELL communicationMemory B cells (mBCs) are characterized by their long-term stability, fast reactivation, and capability to rapidly differentiate into antibody-secreting cells (ASCs). However, the role of T cells in the differentiation of mBCs, in co...
B cells promote insulin resistance through modulation of T cells and production of pathogenic IgG antibodies.Nature Medicine.2011. Autoreactive, Low-Affinity T Cells Preferentially Drive Differentiation of Short-Lived Memory B Cells at the Expense of Germinal Center Maintenance.Cell reports.2018. ...
The unique differentiation of IgE cells suggests unconventional mechanisms of IgE memory. IgE germinal centre cells are transient, most IgE cells are plasma cells, and high affinity IgE is produced by the switching of IgG1 cells to IgE. Here we investiga
Tissue-like memory (TLM) B cells, a population expanded by persistent HIV viremia, bound large amounts of IgG3. IgG3 induced clustering of B cell antigen receptors (BCRs) on the IgMB cells, which was mediated by direct interactions between soluble IgG3 and membrane IgM of the BCR (IgM-...
Results: Combining VH repertoire sequencing and single cell transcriptomics yielded direct evidence of a parallel boost of two clonally and functionally related B cell subsets of short-lived IgE+ plasmablasts and IgG+ memory B cells (termed IgGE). Mucosal grass pollen allergen exposure by SLIT ...
Memory B cells generated during a T cell-dependent immune response rapidly respond to a secondary immunization by producing abundant IgG Abs that bind cognate Ag with high affinity. It is currently unclear whether this heightened recall response by memory B cells is due to augmented IgG-BCR signal...
Influenza‐specific IgG1+ memory B‐cell numbers increase upon booster vaccination in healthy adults but not in patients with predominantly antibody deficiencyantigen‐specific memory B cellsinfluenzapredominantly antibody deficiencyvaccinationBackground Annual influenza vaccination is recommended to all ...