GH levels in the blood fluctuate throughout the day depending on your diet and activity levels. But IGF-1 levels remain stable. So, an IGF-1 test is a useful way to find out if your body is making a normal amount of GH.Other names: somatomedin C test ...
An IGF-1 test is used to diagnose growth hormone disorders, including: • GH deficiency. In children, GH is essential for normal growth and development. A GH deficiency can cause a child to grow mor...
【Key words】 IGF-1 production test; ISS children; GHD children; Before treatment; Assessment First-author’s address:Jiujiang City Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Jiujiang 332000,China doi:胰岛素样生长因子-1(IGF-1)是一种介导生长激素(GH),为促进人体生长的重要物质[1]。其直接作用在GH受体上,...
Likitmaskul S, Watcharasindhu S, Angsusingha K, Chaichanwatanakul K, Punnakunta L, Tuchinda C 1998 IGF-1 generation test in non- growth hormone-deficient short children. Horm Res 49(Suppl 1):52Likitmaskul S,Watcharasindhu S,Angsusingha K,et al.IGF-I generation test in non-growth...
chi drenreceivedthechonidine-arginine-L-dopaprovocationtest,thecontentofGHwasdeterminedin imosis andat3 6 9minutesafteradministeringthedrug.RsultstheGH eve ofserumoftheGH-deficiency shortstaturechi drenismuch owerthanthenorma chi dren,andtheGH eve ofserumoftheNon-GH- deficiencyshortstaturechi drenisno...
许多研究表明,IGF-1 可刺激骨骼肌肥大并转变为糖酵解代谢,从而增强体力。 它激活了几个有助于其他生长因子表达的通道。IGF-1 还可以通过保持瘦肌肉质量来帮助减少与年龄相关的肌肉萎缩(也称为少肌症或肌肉萎缩)。 2. 有助于防止老年人认知衰退 老年人体...
中国正常成人血清IGF-1的参考范围和其影响因素研究.pdf,学校代码:10023 学号:200801033 中国正常成人血清IGF一1的参考范围 及其影响因素研究 专业年级:北京协和医学院临床医学专业2008级 姓名:徐源 导师:潘慧教授 龚凤英研究员 朱惠娟副教授 北京协和医学院临床学院(
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