Conclusions: TMEM2 knockdown enhanced TLR3-mediated IFN-β, CXCL10, and ISG56 expression in BEAS-2B cells. This implies that TMEM2 suppresses antiviral immune responses and prevents tissue injury in bronchial epithelial cells.doi:10.1007/s11033-024-09346-3Kobori, Yuri...
检测其诱导下游基因isg15、isg56的能力,western blot和qpcr结果显示isg15-(h4)2-ifn-λ3重组蛋白能够成功诱导细胞isg15、isg56基因的上调,且诱导水平与isg15-(h4)2-ifn-λ3重组蛋白剂量呈正相关,表明isg15-(h4)2-ifn-λ3重组蛋白成功激活了jak/stat信号通路并诱导了isgs的产生,进一步检测isg...
Imaizumi T;Yoshida H;Hayakari R;.Interferon-stimulated gene (ISG)60,as well as 1SG56 and ISG54,positively regulates TLR3/IFN-β/STAT1 axis in U373MG human astrocytoma cells.Neurosci Res.2016.35-41Imaizumi T, Yoshida H, Hayakari R, Xing F, Wang L, Matsumiya T, Tanji K, Kawaguchi S,...
长抑制作用。ISG54和ISG56可与ISG60形成多蛋 白复合物,通过线粒体途径诱导细胞凋亡[7]。 近年来的研究显示,IFN—OL激活的STAT1和 STAT3相互作用的平衡可以决定某些细胞存活抑 或凋亡[8],这可能与其诱导ISGs的不同有关。STAT1 激活可最终导致促凋亡基因和抗增殖基因如p27 ...
对慢乙肝患者的肝内转录组分析表明,对IFNα有应答且实现HBV DNA检测不和HBeAg或HBsAg血清学转换的患者表现出更多数量的上调干扰素刺激基因(ISG)。虽然已有许多ISG被发现可能在不同的HBV复制步骤中发挥作用,但仍有待验证。 有关IFNα诱导HBV ...
Under different conditions (before, during, and after HIV infection), IFN-λ3 significantly inhibited viral replication in macrophages, which was associated with the induction of multiple antiviral cellular factors (ISG56, MxA, OAS-1, A3G/F and tetherin) and IFN regulatory factors (IRF-1, 3,...
Our time course analyses showed that IFNβ produc- tion and the expression of the IFN-inducible Isg56 in the CNS starts with the onset of clinical symptoms and increases in parallel with the disease score of MOG- induced EAE. These findings extend previous data showing that IFNβ is produced...
ISG-20 and p56, known ISGs, were not previously identified as being induced in endothelial cells. Future work will determine if these genes are necessary and sufficient to inhibit angiogenesis and identify how they prevent endothelial cell differentiation. 展开 ...
Cholesterol-25-hydroxylase (CH25H), an important ISG, can inhibit EMCV Declaration of Competing Interest The authors report no declarations of interest. Acknowledgements This work was supported by Young Doctor Fund Project of Gansu Province Education Department (2021QB-064), Program for Young Talent...