下面是一个示例的Makefile,展示了如何对特定文件使用ifeq测试: 代码语言:txt 复制 # 定义变量 FILE := myfile.txt # 条件判断 ifeq ($(FILE), myfile.txt) # 如果文件名为myfile.txt,则执行以下指令 @echo "This is myfile.txt" else # 如果文件名不为myfile.txt,则执行以下指令 @echo "This is no...
有时候,我们还是需要让make命令带入一些参数给makefile脚本。比如,你在代码里面需要定义一个宏DEBUG来打开调试开关,代码如下:int main(){int i=9;#ifdef DEBUGi=1;#elsei=0;#endifprintf("i=%d\n", i);return 0;}一般来说,这个宏定义可以通过直接修改源代码进行,但这样显然不是很好的办法。另外一个办法...
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) SYSTEM=Windows else SYSTEM=Unix endif 解释findstring函数在Makefile中的用法: findstring是Makefile中的一个函数,用于在字符串中查找另一个字符串。如果找到,则返回找到的字符串;否则,返回空字符串。其基本语法如下: makefile $(findstring <find>,<in>) 例如,检查...
,5,嵌入式 Makefile中:=与=与+=与=的区别$@,$^,$<区别:在Makefile中我们经常看到 = := ?= +=这几个赋值运算符,那么他们有什么区别呢?我们来做个简单的实验 新建一个Makefile,内容为: ifdef DEFINE_VRE VRE = "HelloWorld!" else endif ifeq ($(OPT),define) VRE ?="Hello ...
makefile是个古老又难以回避的技术. 同shell一样,其中一些语法特别古怪又难以琢磨. 这里GNU Make的一些语法进行拾遗补充说明. 0 变量定义与赋值 0.1 一般写法 0.1.1变量名 = 变量值 特点: 延时扩展 递归扩展 样例: b = var b says $(a) ! a = hello wolrd ...
$ make -r echo 'false' false In essence, a build script known as makefile (VERSION 3) can be defined as: ifeq ( a , a ) all:: echo 'true' else all:: echo 'false' endif Upon execution, the result obtained is: $ make -r ...
I want check for a condition in makefile using ifeq, & not sure how to go about: ifeq ( cond1 = yes || cond2 = yes ) set value x = 1; else set value x = 2; endif Please suggest the proper way to do it? makefile gnu-make Share Improve this question Follow edited Oct...
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions 3 extensions/vscode-colorize-tests/test/colorize-fixtures/makefile Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -63,7 +63,10 @@ ${info Parentheses () in braces {()}: $(ok)} ifeq ("${ok}", "skip") $(ok))} else ifeq ("$...
While MAKEFLAGS has the flags like e.g. -s and -k as ks in it, the -j flag gets processed in another way: it is not stripped of the leading dash - AND it is not visible in the first pass of processing the makefile. Only when rules are executed, MAKEFLAGS receives a value, ...