Makefile是一种用于自动化构建和管理软件项目的文件。它通常包含了一系列规则和指令,用于描述项目中的文件依赖关系和构建过程。 对特定文件使用`ifeq`测试的Makefile是指在Makefil...
ifeq ($(filter /%,$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))),) makefile_path:=$(CURDIR)/$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) # line: 39 # Assume we have GNU make, but check version. ifeq ($(strip $(foreach v, 3.81%...
I'm trying to use find_j=$(findstring j,$(filter-out --%,$(MAKEFLAGS))) to find if there is -j option, so when I echo $(find_j) the value is j but when I compare it ifeq (j, $(find_j)) this returnes false I cant understand where is the problem my version of make is...
0 Makefile - run time decisions using ifeq 18 "ifeq" conditional syntax in makefile 1 Overriding Makefile command line parameter, used in `ifeq` 0 Using ifeq to test the variables 0 Makefile ifeq not behaving 7 combine multiple ifeq and ifneq in a gnu Makefile 0 Gnu make: ife...
version of the Make manual as an example use of the filter function. Also, one of the situation I'm trying to test for is the empty string (in my previous example, say Y=`'), which I believe I can't test in this manner:
Snippet from Makefile.xu, which use eval and if: xubuild_check_objects: $(eval RESULT = $(call xu-obj_func-valid,$(xu-src-c-y))) @echo 'echo nothing (dummy)' >/dev/null $(if $(filter n,$(RESULT)), \ $(error XUbuild: error: xubuild_check_objects: xu-obj->xu-src-c-y...