This tutorial explains how to use IF THEN ELSE statements in SAS, with examples. Task 1 : Suppose you are asked to exclude some of the observations in a SAS data set from an analysis that you are generating. For example, you want to exclude all IDs whose values are greater than 100. ...
[Else [elsestatements]]End If 2、中文语法:IF表达式Then语句1[Else语句2]中文意思是如果表达式成立,执行语句1,否则执行语句2。IF表达式1Then [语句组1][ElseIF表达式N Then [语句组N]]……[Else [语句组N+1]]End IF 我们可以把表达式看成条件,用通俗语言来讲如果满足条件1那么执行语句组1;否则如果...
' Multiline syntax: If condition [ Then ] [ statements ] [ ElseIf elseifcondition [ Then ] [ elseifstatements ] ] [ Else [ elsestatements ] ] End If ' Single-line syntax: If condition Then [ statements ] [ Else [ elsestatements ] ] Quick links to example code This article ...
Syntax (IF-THEN-ELSE) The syntax for IF-THEN-ELSE in Oracle/PLSQL is: IF condition THEN {...statements to execute when condition is TRUE...} ELSE {...statements to execute when condition is FALSE...} END IF; You use the IF-THEN-ELSE syntax, when you want to execute one set of...
The if-then and if-then-else Statements Theif-thenStatement Theif-thenstatement is the most basic of all the control flow statements. It tells your program to execute a certain section of codeonly ifa particular test evaluates totrue. For example, theBicycleclass could allow the brakes to de...
condition是一个数值或其值可用于确定程序流的比较。如果condition为 true,那么执行Then子句。如果condition为 false, 那么执行Else子句。如果condition为空值,那么其求值结果为 false。 statements是根据condition的值执行的语句。 备注 可以嵌套If...Then...Else语句。 如果Then或Else语句写在多个行上,那么必须使用End...
'' If...Then...Else Statement '' '' Conditionally executes a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression. '' '' SYNTAX - block - multiple line '' '' If condition [ Then ] '' [ statements ] '' [ ElseIf elseifcondition [ Then ] '' [ elseifstatements ] ] '...
IF condition1 THEN {...statements to execute when condition1 is TRUE...} [ ELSEIF condition2 THEN {...statements to execute when condition1 is FALSE and condition2 is TRUE...} ] [ ELSE {...statements to execute when both condition1 and condition2 are FALSE...} ] END IF; ...
I am trying to define the base value to be 0, but if its greater than 1 then its equals 73, but if Field1*0.2 is greater than 73 than it equals that ammount. event.value = 0 if(event.value > 1){event.value = 71.5;}else if(event.value > 71.5){event.value =
statements #If语句块必需,在其他位置为可选。 如果关联的表达式的计算结果为True,则 Visual Basic 编译的程序行或编译器指令。 #End If 终止#If语句块。 注解 在表面上,#If...Then...#Else指令的行为将与If...Then...Else语句的行为相同。 但是,#If...Then...#Else指令将计算编译器编译的内容,而If....