二. Grouping Observations with IF-THEN/ELSE Statements IF - THEN 的一个常用的用法是: 将observations 分组. 在IF- THEN 语句中加入关键词 ELSE . 语法: IF condition THEN action; ELSE IF condition THEN action; ELSE IF condition THEN action; 这只是简单的 IF- THEN 语句前面加了 ELSE. 可以建任意...
1、if then do end; "end" is fllow by "do". if there did not use "do" then "end" should be dissappered. /*if then else 简单筛选*/ data mysas.ifthen2; infile'e:\ifthen.txt'dlm='09'x firstobs=2; input date gtone shen dong all; ifdate>201001then sum=1; elseifdate>200905...
在SAS中,可以使用IF语句来设置等于0或1的变量。IF语句是一种条件语句,根据条件的真假来执行不同的操作。 在SAS中,IF语句的基本语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 IF condition THEN do; statements; /* 如果条件为真,则执行这些语句 */ END; ELSE do; statements; /* 如果条件为假,则执行这些语句 */ END; ...
*商用的一般都是现有的sas数据集; 4:where的效率比if高 5:何时使用if何时使用where?如果需要对pdv观测进行处理才能决定哪条观测,只能使用if。其余能使用where 2:select 、if else if的选择 Fornumeric variables,SELECT statementsshouldalways be slightlymoreefficient (use less CPU time) than IF-THEN/ELSE stat...
1、if then do end; "end" is fllow by "do". if there did not use "do" then "end" should be dissappered. /*if then else 简单筛选*/data mysas.ifthen2;infile 'e:\ifthen.txt' dlm='09'x firstobs=2;input date gtone shen dong all;ifdate>201001then sum=1;elseifdate>200905and...
使程序流转至不同的代码块。Python中的条件语句有——if语句、if… else…语句。
Perhaps this is not very likely to be a realistic application of if-then-else--more likely that the conditions are mutually exclusive--but whether one programs this as if-then-else or, as in Stata, as successive 'replace if' statements, the ordering of these evaluations matters. And for ...
First, when trying to create a new variable with if then statements I kept getting the error code 180 "Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order". I finally figured out that when I used the code below I was able to get the if then statements to work. But I'm ...
When you use %IF-%THEN/%ELSE and %DO macro statements in open code to conditionally build statements, an error can occur. Here is an example of code that generates an error: data _null_; attrib a length=3 %if 0 %then %do; b length=4 %end; %else %do; c length=5 %end;; ...
st: RE: STATA equivalent to SAS subsetting "else if" statements? From: "Nick Cox" <n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk> Prev by Date: st: metadialog package Next by Date: st: RE: RE: RE: series of value labels and collapse Previous by thread: st: metadialog package Next by thread: st:...