fi The value of $var has changed since the previous example, which means that the first echo command won’t execute. Rather than nothing happening, the else statement specifies what will happen if the condition is false: in this case, it is to print a different message to the screen. Sy...
句法(Syntax) In the following SQL IF Statement, it evaluates the expression, and if the condition is true, then it executes the statement mentioned in IF block otherwise statements within ELSE clause is executed. 在下面SQL IF语句中,它计算表达式,如果条件为true,则执行IF块中提到的语句,否则将执行...
如果语句为假,则执行 else 块。 Syntax : if [ condition_command ] then command1 command2 …….. last_command else command1 command2 …….. last_command fi 如果我们修改上面的脚本并插入 else 块,那么它将看起来像下面这样: #!/bin/bash echo "Enter the Number: " read n if [ $n -gt 150...
syntax error near unexpected token fi 等都是这样引起的. 5 if 后面一定要跟上 then. 同理 elif 后面一定要跟上 then. 不然提示出错信息: syntax error near unexpected token else top BASH IF Linux SHELL if 命令参数说明 2007年10...
然后进行条件判断。如果服务开启,输出当前时间 + httpd is ok 到 / tmp/autostart-acc.log。 如果变量 port 的值不是 open,那么执行 else 下操作。首先启动 apache 服务,将启动后 信息输出至位桶,然后在 / tmp/autostart-err.log 中记录。在本次脚本中 nmap 命令使用的是 ...
在切换Linux超级用户身份到普通用户时,如果遇到"if: Expression Syntax"的错误,这通常意味着问题出在普通用户的bash初始化文件.bashrc或.bash_profile中。这两个文件位于普通用户的家目录下,它们是隐藏文件,当普通用户登录时会被bash解析,用于初始化用户的系统路径和环境变量。如果在这两个文件中添加了...
The if statement has the following syntax: 这个if 语句语法如下: ifcommands;thencommands [elifcommands;thencommands...] [elsecommands]fi where commands is a list of commands. This is a little confusing at first glance. Butbefore we can clear this up, we have to look at how the shell eval...
To remove an alias, use the syntax below: sudo ifconfig [alias_name] down Enable or Disable Promiscuous Mode Promiscuous mode allows a network device to intercept and read each network packet that arrives in its entirety. It is often used to monitor network activity. ...
/bin/bash# Description:Syntax testif[$1-eq0];thenechoHello ~ ~# 故意不写fi,来检测该脚本中的语法检查功能是否实现了。/tmp/ syntax error: unexpected end offileSytax wrong in/tmp/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8....
case语句和if…elif…else语句一样都是多分支条件语句,不过和if多分支条件语句不同的是,case语句只能判断一种条件关系,而if语句可以判断多种条件关系。 代码语言:javascript 复制 格式:case$变量名in"值1")如果变量的值等于值1,则执行程序1;;"值2")如果变量的值等于值2,则执行程序2;;...省略其他分支...*...