elif [[ $1 = 'redis' ]] || [[ $1 = 'zookeeper' ]]; then echo "Input is $1"else echo "Input Is Error."fi 然而,初次尝试时,我们可能会误用为'else if',导致脚本执行出错。如在测试脚本中:bash [oracle@standby ~]$ ./ts01.sh zookeeper ./ts01.sh: line 12: syntax ...
if [ int1 -gt int2 ] 如果> if [ int1 -le int2 ] 如果<= if [ int1 -lt int2 ] 如果< 字符串变量表达式 If [ $a = $b ] 如果string1等于string2 字符串允许使用赋值号做等号 if [ $string1 != $string2 ] 如果string1不等于string2 if [ -n $string ] 如果string 非空(非0),返...
else if [[ $1 = 'redis' ]] || [[ $1 = 'zookeeper' ]];then echo "Input is $1"else echo "Input Is Error."fi 2.执行脚本,看脚本是否正常执行 [oracle@standby ~]$ ./ts01.sh zookeeper./ts01.sh: line 12: syntax error: unexpected end of file 备注:发现执行是错误的,经过查看可以...
test.sh: line 14: syntax error: unexpected end of fi if 的三种条件表达式 if command then if 函数 then 命令执行成功,等于返回0 (比如grep ,找到匹配) 执行失败,返回非0 (grep,没找到匹配) if [ expression_r_r_r ] then 表达式结果为真,则返回0,if把0值引向then if test expression_r_r_r th...
每个if语句都要用fi结束,而且是每一个if都要对应一个fi。整个if语句用fi闭合起来才算完整,书写时if和fi要垂直对齐以方便查看。格式举例:if condition then command1 command2 fi condition是判断条件,如果 condition 成立(返回“真”),那么 then 后边的语句将会被执行;如果 condition 不成立(...
if[expression];then # 执行语句 elif # 执行语句else# 执行语句 fi 其中elif和else不是必须的,如果只需判断一次,那么if...fi即可。值得注意的是if后面中括号[]中的语句[的后面和]的前面必须要有空格。 下面通过判断大小和文件是否存在看一下判断语句的用法: ...
Naturally, this is not optimal. On top of this, involving more advanced shell features such as loops and conditions, we might end up with some complex syntax. 3. Conditional Statements As we’ve already seen, basicif–elsestatements conform to thePOSIXstandard: ...
if [$x=5];then echo "equals";else echo "does not equal";fi shell有检测退出状态的参数, 举例来说: 输入ls 输入echo $? 这时候输出结果就是0,0表示成功 输入ls,后面跟一个不存在的路径 输入echo $? 这时候输出结果就是2,命令使用不同的返回值来诊断错误 ...
Syntax: exit status-code File test options The -e option return true if a given file/directory exists. Script to test if a file exists in the current working directory: read -p "enter file name to test" name if [ -e $name ] echo "exists" else echo "does not exist" fi The ...
}elseif(trusted_keys == (void*)1UL) {#ifdefCONFIG_SECONDARY_TRUSTED_KEYRINGtrusted_keys = secondary_trusted_keys;#elsetrusted_keys = builtin_trusted_keys;#endif}// 用system trusted keyring中的system trusted key作为signer的X.509证书来验证// PKCS#7中包含的每一个signer的签名值。这里的逻辑很...