The first stored procedure I attempted to write accepted 3 parameters and based on one of them checks a lookup table, and creates a new value in it if the same value does not already exist. Normally I would use an IF NOT EXISTS clause, which in Microsoft SQL would look like this CREATE...
I've written a stored procedure and it crashed but it didn't give any error message. I've copied my stored procedure below. I've also copied the code to run my stored procedure. I've found out that if I comment out the if statements that contain "IF NOT EXISTS () THEN" then my ...
create fulltext index (if not exists) Create function with CTE code create login error: Create multiple query result in sp_send_dbmail Create stored procedure if doesn't exists in sysobjects Create Stored Procedure in Master DB or MSDB? Create stored procedure on linked server CREATE TABLE - ...
下面是一个简单的存储过程示例,在执行创建表操作前,先检查多个表是否存在。 DELIMITER$$CREATEPROCEDUREcreate_table_if_not_exists()BEGIN-- 检查表A是否存在IFNOTEXISTS(SELECT*FROMinformation_schema.tablesWHEREtable_name='table_A')THENCREATETABLEtable_A(idINTAUTO_INCREMENTPRIMARYKEY,nameVARCHAR(100)NOTNULL)...
WHERE name='spDeleteCreditCard'AND type_desc='SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE') DROP PROCEDURE spDeleteCreditCard GO CREATE PROCEDURE spDeleteCreditCard @CreditCardID Int AS DELETE Sales.CreditCard WHERE CreditCardID=@CreditCardID 使用EXISTS关键字的第二种方法是使用IF NOT EXISTS语句。此时,可以检查对象是否存在...
This stored procedure provides the functionality for "add column if not exists". To use the script call it with the name of the database, name of the table, name of the field and the field definition to use if the field is to be created. For example: ...
exists IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM mysql.user where user='XXXXX' AND host='YYYY' ) DROP USER XXXX@YYYYY; GRANT ...; GRANT ...; EOF as MySQL "stored procedure" programming is not possible directly from the command line[1], something which is common in other DBMS environments. This extr...
Bug #12024 Strange results with 'create/drop table if (not) exists' Submitted: 19 Jul 2005 0:46Modified: 27 Jul 2005 8:35 Reporter: Markus Popp Email Updates: Status: Not a Bug Impact on me: None Category: MySQL ServerSeverity: S3 (Non-critical) Version: 5.0.9-betaOS: Linux (...
我先讲设计的Table的结构介绍一下:T_USERS和T_ROLES分别存放User和Role,User和Role不区分大小写并且唯一,两者通过T_USERS_IN_ROLES...现在我们来写将user添加到Role的Stored Procedure:首先验证User和Role是否存在,然后验证该User和Role是否已经存在,最后将Mapping关系添加到T_USERS_IN_ROLES...procedure和Applicat...
在上述示例中,我们使用IF EXISTS语句来检查名为"YourStoredProcedure"的存储过程是否存在。如果存在,则打印"存储过程存在"并执行其他操作;如果不存在,则打印"存储过程不存在"。 对于SQL Server存储过程错误的处理,可以根据具体需求来设计相应的错误处理逻辑。可以使用TRY...CATCH块来捕获并处理存储过程中的异常,或...