在上述示例中,我们使用IF EXISTS语句来检查名为"YourStoredProcedure"的存储过程是否存在。如果存在,则打印"存储过程存在"并执行其他操作;如果不存在,则打印"存储过程不存在"。 对于SQL Server存储过程错误的处理,可以根据具体需求来设计相应的错误处理逻辑。可以使用TRY...CATCH块来捕获并处理存储过程中的异常,或者使用...
DROPobject_typeIFEXISTSobject_name 能够用于DROP的object_type,如Tables, Database, Function, Trigger, Stored Procedure, Column, User, Type, View, Schema,皆可套用,比如:ALTER TABLE PERSONDROP COLUMN If EXISTS NAME SQL Server 2016新特性:DROP IF EXISTS 标签:basesysges.netschfunctionname...
In Sql Server 2016 we can write a statement like below to drop a Stored Procedure if exists. DROPPROCEDUREIF EXISTS dbo.WelcomeMessage If the stored procedure doesn’t exists it will not raise any error, it will continue executing the next statement in the batch. Let’s try to re-drop t...
set @sql = @sql + ' and Version='''+@Version +''' order by id desc' end end else begin set @sql=@sql if(@Version='') begin set @sql=@sql +' and Area='''+@CountryCode+''' order by id desc' end else begin set @sql=@sql +' and Area='''+@CountryCode+''' and Vers...
Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll Package: Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlManagementObjects v160.2004021.0 Drops the object with IF EXISTS option. If object is invalid for drop function will return without exception. C# Копіювати public void DropIfExists (); Implements DropIfExists() ...
Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferStoredProceduresTask.dll 从IfObjectExists枚举获取或设置一个值,该值指示如果在目标位置存在具有相同名称的存储过程,该任务应该失败、覆盖现有存储过程还是跳过该存储过程的传输。 C# publicMicrosoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.TransferStoredProceduresTask.IfObjectExis...
带输入参数的存储过程 use StudentManager go if exists...(select * from sysobjects where name ='usp_ScoreQuery2') drop procedure usp_ScoreQuery2 go --创建带参数的存储过程...和DB的分数筛选数据,记录缺考人数和不及格人数 带输入参数和输出参数的存储过程 use StudentManager go i...
IfObjectExists 属性 Gets or sets a value from the IfObjectExists enumeration indicating if the task should fail, overwrite the existing stored procedure, or skip the transfer of the stored procedureif a stored procedurewith the same name exists at the destination. 命名空间: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts...
在使用第一种方法时,要先删除已存在的对象,因为新对象与旧对象同名,但操作是不同的。此时可使用IF EXISTS语句测试该对象是否存在。如果存在,就删除它,再创建新对象。如下面的示例所示: IF EXISTS (SELECT*FROM sys.objects WHERE name='spDeleteCreditCard'AND type_desc='SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE') ...
if Exists(Select name From sysobjects Where And type='P') -- 删除存储过程 Drop Procedure dbo.csp_AddInfo Go -- 创建存储过程 Create Proc dbo.csp_AddInfo -- 存储过程参数 @UserName varchar(16), @Pwd varchar(50), @Age smallint, @Sex varchar(6) AS -- 存储过程语句体 insert into Uname...