# CMakeLists.txtif(IGNOREORNOTFOUND)else()message("IGNORE OR NOTFOUND is false")endif()if(TRUEORFALSE)message("TRUE OR FALSE is true")endif()if(TRUEAND(IGNOREORYES))# 注意括号的优先级最高,会先计算括号内的OR逻辑的值message("TRUE AND (IGNORE OR YES) is true")endif() # 命令行中执...
# test_set.cmake: cmake -DTEST_CMAKE_FEATURE=$1 --log-level=verbose .. # test_option.cmake: cmake -DTEST_CMAKE_FEATURE=$1 -DBUILD_PYTORCH=ON .. cmake -DTEST_CMAKE_FEATURE=$1 .. # It can be executed directly on the terminal, no need to execute build.sh, for example: c...
文件运算 # 以下路径参数可以为相对路径或绝对路径,相对是指相对于当前执行cmake的路径。 if(EXISTS path-to-file-or-directory) # true 如果文件/目录存在,当参数是连接时表示连接指向的实体存在。 if(file1 IS_NEWER_THAN file2) # true file1比file2新 if(IS_DIRECTORY path-to-directory) # true 如果...
检查字符串:如 if("hello"),通常字符串被视为假,除非它是CMake中的真常量之一。 逻辑运算: 非运算:if(NOT <condition>) 与运算:if(<cond1> AND <cond2>) 或运算:if(<cond1> OR <cond2>) 存在性检查: 文件或目录:if(EXISTS path-to-file-or-directory) 命...
note if 要与endif配对使用 语法含义 表达式 含义 if (not expression) 与 expression相反 if (var1 AND var2) var1与var2都为真时, 条件成立 if (var1 OR var2) var1与var2存在一个为真, 条件成立 if
Build Task does not end -createDirIfNotExistsSyncfails to create directory due to invalid string quoting#9241 Closed #9249 Nerwosolek openedonApr 26, 2022 Environment OS and version: MacOS Monterey 12.2.1 VS Code: 1.66.2 C/C++ extension: all extensions below ...
if(NOTEXISTS"${CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR}/libcifpp.conf") file( WRITE${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libcifpp.conf [[#Uncomment the next line to enable automatic updates #update=true ]]) install(FILES${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libcifpp.conf ...
(...Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR...Build dump files even if no data available from table -x, --regex Regular expression...success-on-1146 Not increment error count and Warning instead of Critical in case of...
On Linux (and I suspect other Unix-based systems) if(EXISTS ~/something-existing) always fails. It seems that the tilde is not expanded and the check is performed for the...
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