insertintoErrorConfig(Type,Value1) select'RetryWaitSeconds','3' wherenotexists(select*fromErrorConfigwhereType='RetryWaitSeconds') 因为SQLite 中不支持SP 补充:sqlite3中NOT IN 不好用的问题 在用sqlite3熟悉SQL的时候遇到了一个百思不得其解的问题,也没有在google上找到答案。虽然最后用“迂回”的方式碰巧...
I would like to insert data into my database if one value doesn't exist in my database. I've got this code: try { SQLConnection.Open(); string sql = "INSERT INTO shop (title, price, information) values (@chp1, @chp2,@chp3)"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, SQLConnection...
So in short I insert new records with new "Appointment no" into "table 1" and the duplicate appointment no which already exist in table 1 , into table 1_copy. I could figure out the insert into if NOT EXISTS PART but am struggling to capture the dups and insert into...
postgres=#insertintoabce(title) selectrandom()::text fromgenerate_series(1, 10000000) i; INSERT0 10000000 postgres=#setstatement_timeoutto'1ms'; SET postgres=#createindexconcurrently ifnotexists abce_title_idx onabce using btree (title); ERROR: canceling statement duetostatement timeout postgres=#...
SQLSERVER 和 ORACLE的if not exist 用法 sql server: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ifnotexists (select1fromTB_ProcedurewhereId='2018ZZZ') BEGIN insertintoTB_Procedure (Id,IsStart,IsCNC,IsClean,IsMarking,IsLT,IsGil,IsCheck,IsFinalCheck,IsGP12,IsPackaging)...
综上所述,当MySQL表格没有unique index时,我们可以通过使用多个INSERT语句或使用INSERT INTO … SELECT … ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE语句来实现insert if not exists多行数据的需求。以上两种方法都可以达到目的,具体使用哪种方法取决于具体的业务需求和性能要求。
MySQL官方对CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SELECT给出的解释是: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST… SELECT的行为,先判断表是否存在, 如果存在,语句就相当于执行insert into select; 如果不存在,则相当于create table … select。 当数据表存在的时候,使用insert into select将select的结果插入到数据表中,当select的结果集...
C# Insert all data of a List<> into database table at once c# Insert Break Line After Specific Character in Text File ? C# Int does not exist in current context when doing a basic math equasion C# interop - passing array of struct to a DLL. C# Interop.Excel || The remote procedure...
PostgreSQL doesn’t offer the“IF NOT EXISTS”option for theINSERT INTOstatement. So alternatively, you can use thesubqueryto check the existence of a specific record in a table. For this purpose, use theNOT EXISTSoption within theWHEREClause. If the given record doesn’t exist in the select...