ifnotexists(select*fromErrorConfigwhereType='RetryWaitSeconds') begin insertintoErrorConfig(Type,Value1) values('RetryWaitSeconds','3') end 只能用: 1 2 3 insertintoErrorConfig(Type,Value1) select'RetryWaitSeconds','3' wherenotexists(select*fromErrorConfigwhereType='RetryWaitSeconds') 因为SQLite 中...
SQLite实现ifnotexist类似功能的操作 需要实现:if not exists(select * from ErrorConfig where Type='RetryWaitSeconds')begin insert into ErrorConfig(Type,Value1)values('RetryWaitSeconds','3')end 只能⽤:insert into ErrorConfig(Type,Value1)select 'RetryWaitSeconds','3'where not exists(select * from...
三、Sqlserver中: SqlServer中需要另一种写法: IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROMbooksWHERE id = 1)INSERT INTO books (name) SELECT 'Songxingzhu'
I am trying to insert values (users_id, lessoninfo_id) in table bookmarks, only if both do not exist before in a row. INSERT INTO bookmarks(users_id,lessoninfo_id) VALUES( (SELECT _id FROM Users WHERE User='"+$('#user_lesson').html()+"'), (SELECT _id FROM lessoninfo WHERE Le...
How can I check whether devID already exists and then do the insertion for the following query, if devID does not exist already: INSERT into profiles (devID,alert) VALUES ("ff",1) ; PS: I have already seen this solution in SO, but not sure how to modify the query I have based on...
指定列:INSERTINTOTABLE_NAME[(column1,column2,column3,...columnN)]VALUES(value1,value2,value3,...valueN);所有列:INSERTINTOTABLE_NAMEVALUES(value1,value2,value3,...valueN); 删 DELETEFROMtable_nameWHERE[condition];如果需要删除表内所有记录:DELETEFROMtable_name ...
SQLiteDatabasesd=openOrCreateDatabase("stu.db",MODE_PRIVATE,null);sd.execSQL("create table if not exists usertb (_id integer primary key autoincrement, name text not null , age integer not null , sex text not null )");sd.execSQL("insert into usertb(name,sex,age) values('张三','男'...
insert into @tem(LogicalName,PhysicalName,File_path,Type,FileGroupName) select LogicalName,PhysicalName,dbo.fn_GetFilePath(PhysicalName),Type,FileGroupName from #tem if @@rowcount>0 begin drop table #tem end select @loop_time=1 select @max_ids=max(ids) /*@tem表的ids列最大数*/ ...
int rc = sqlite3_exec(pDB, “insert into tbtest(id,name) values(null,\”aaa\”);”, NULL, NULL, &pErrMsg);if (rc != 0){ sqlite3_free(pErrMsg);} 封装类: 在实际的软件工程中,考虑到代码的复用和可维护性,还是需要对sqlite进行适当的封装的。这里,我贴出一个,方便大家复用。在这个例子...
insert into t values ( x'3142', x'3142', x'3142', x'3142', x'3142' ); insert into t values ( null, null, null, null, null ); 注:传统数据库字段定义中,char(100)的速度一般不会比varchar(100)更快。 varchar(100),2字节的内容,仅占用3个字节(1个字节的管理信息)。