We’ll check in Column E if the achieved sales have met the sales target and return a statement. Steps: Insert the following formula in cell E5. =IFERROR(IF(D5>=C5,$C$15*(D5-C5)/C5,"Not Applicable"),"Sales Target is not Correctly inserted") Press Enter. Drag the Fill Handle ...
1. Using a Generic FormulaTo determine whether the value of a product is greater than or less than 2 dollars:Use the following formula in F6: =IF(VLOOKUP(F5,$B$5:$D$9,3,FALSE)>=2,"Price >= $2.00","Price < $2.00")2. Using a VBA Macro...
I use =SUMPRODUCT(([@[Model No]]=RefModelsT[Model No])*RefModelsT[Onhand]) to get the value, now i want to do it with VBA IF formula,,, but when i use Sub macro() ' If range("NewT[@Model No]").value = range("RefModelsT[Model No]").value Then What i want to do,,,...
Do you want to sum in VBA only with IF THEN ELSE END IF statement without using a standard sum formula (SUMIF, SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT)? If so i can't help you unfortunately.
formula& macroifformulahelp Replies: 1 Forum:Excel Questions R if formula to display value if condition is met I am trying to create a formula where if the condition of a cell is met then it displays the content of the cell instead of True/False. For example 400 800 =400/800 50% ...
In that case I would loop through the rows in the column, i.e. For i = 1 to lastrow If cells(i,1) = "Yes" Then Do something End If Next i Does that help? Also, I believe it would be possible to do this with a simple if-formula, i.e. you check i...
# new post#excel#excelvba#combo box#conditionalformatting#excel#expert#excel#formula #confused#macro#vba#pivotable#power query#vba#excel#vba#excel#if#vba#excel#pleasehelp#vbatipsvba & conditions Replies: 0 Forum:Excel Questions K How to Fill Data Entry via Userform in Table 1 ??? Option ...
Formula in cell F3: =SUMIF(B3:B7, F2, C3:C7)Copy to Clipboard SUMIF function syntax: SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]) range - B3:B7 criteria - F2 [sum_range] - C3:C7 The sum_range is not the same as the range argument in this example, the sum_range argument is required....
Learn the basics of COUNTIF function in Excel. Formula examples to count blank and non-blank cells, with values greater than, less than or equal to the number you specify, duplicates or unique, or based on another cell values, COUNTIF formulas with multi