Press Alt+F8 on your keyboard to open the Macro dialog box. Select discount_amount. Click on Run. We successfully used multiple conditions with the If statement and And logic in Excel VBA. Read More: Excel VBA: If Cell Contains Value Then Return a Specified Output Method 2 – Using More...
In this article, you will come to know some learning aspects about how to add a button in excel without a macro and with how to add a button in excel with a macro – if you want or need it. You can have the most simple and easy steps ahead to follow to solve more than half of...
VBA代码:如果单元格值大于或小于以下,则运行宏: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If IsNumeric(Target) And Target.Address = "$A$1" Then Select Case Target.Value Case 10 To 50: Macro1 Case Is > 50: Macro2 End Select End...
选项= MsgBox(" 是 : 已经按部分合并单元格局部调整分页符位置" & Chr(10) & " 否 : 在复制工作表上操作" & Chr(10) & "取消:退出并手动调整部分分页符位置 ", 3, 标题) If 选项 = 6 Then ' ElseIf 选项 = 7 Then ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Index) ActiveSheet.Name = "按...
2. Using a VBA MacroTo check whether prices are greater than 2 dollars:In the code editor, enter the following code and run it by pressing F5 or clicking Run.Sub IF_with_VLOOKUP() If Application.VLookup(Range("F5"), Range("B5:D9"), 3, False) >= 2 Then ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 6)...
Sub 网格线() ' ' 网格线 Macro ' ' 快捷键: Ctrl+w ' ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False End Sub 要试验该宏,激活一个显示网格线的工作表,并按指定给该宏的快捷键Ctrl+w。如果在前面未指定快捷键,可以执行如下步骤来运行。① 单击“开发工具”选项卡|“代码”组|“宏”按钮或按快捷键Alt+F8,打开...
Step 3: If it contains unwanted macros, delete them. Reason 4: Workbook Protection Hinders Macro Functionality Protected workbooks can limit macro execution. Here's how to handle it: Step 1: Unprotect the workbook: Go to "Review" > "Unprotect Workbook" and enter the password if required. ...
The clear contents part is to remove any previous values and fill new ones. The Range("E2").Value = 1 is there to start the series. The problem is I can't get it to fill the Range("F2:F" & lRow) in a step value of 10,000. The macro just fills out in a step value of ...
Macro enabled Excel file not opening? You may wonder how to recover corrupted macro enabled Excel file in Windows 10 and Windows 7. This post has outlined the reasons of macro enabled excel workbook get corrupted, and top 5 ways to fix a corrupted macro
1. Open Excel and press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor. VBA homepage screenshot 2. Insert a new module by clicking on "Insert" and selecting "Module." VBA Module tab screenshot 3. Write Excel AI ChatGPT macro code you want into the new module. ...