The statements that I use more often in my VBA Excel macros are: If..Then..End If, Do...Loop, For...Next and Select Case If..Then...End If When there is only one condition and one action, you will use the simple statement: ...
Using ElseIf ElseIf enables us to simplify your code as it only moved down to the second if statement if the first one returns a false. FunctionGetDiscount(dblPriceAsDouble)AsDouble'use else if to cut down on writing codeIfdblPrice>=2000ThenGetDiscount=dblPrice*0.1ElseIfdblPrice>=1000Then...
Hi, I am after some help with macro, I have multiple macros running and want to add check if statement to check correct data entered, if not stop all macros. --- So after a paste If "A1" does not contain specific "text", MsgBox "must contain this xyz", Stop All other subs Else...
AnIF Statementis used to check if thecell_valueis greater than18. If it isgreaterthan 18,thereturn_cellis assignedvbGreen. Otherwise, thereturn_cellis assigned asvbRed. TheIF Statementis ended. TheSub Procedureis ended. Savethe code and go back to your worksheet. Go to theDevelopertab. ...
Sub For_Loop_With_IF_Statement() Set Quantity = Selection For Each cell In Quantity Count = Count + 1 If cell.Value >= 4 Then revenue = cell.Value * Quantity.Cells(Count, 2).Value Quantity.Cells(Count, 3).Value = revenue Else End If Next cell End Sub The code remains the same ...
Update the code with the following IF statement. Sub Simple_If() If Range("B9").Value > 0 And Range("B9").Value <= 400 Then Range("C9").Value = Range("B9").Value End If End Sub Test the macro by changing the value in cell B9 to values between 1 and 400 as well as testing...
The IF-THEN-ELSE statement is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as aLogical Function. It can be used as a VBA function (VBA) in Excel. As a VBA function, you can use this function inmacro codethat is entered through the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor. ...
Hi everyone,i not a advanced in VBA on excel and i need your help.I need to create a if statement that, when a colunm called "Last update time", have more...
Breakpoints specify lines of code at which the execution of your macro should pause when you debug VBA. They are convenient when you want to be sure your code does run through a certain loop of If statement.断点指定调试 VBA 时宏执行应暂停的代码行。当您想要确保代码确实通过 If 语句的某个...
Making Decisions with the If Statement In your completed solution, you want the macro to change only those contacts who work for Example Systems and leave your other contacts unchanged. Conditional logic of that sort is where programming really shines. Here, you can use the If statement to tell...