1 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE 存储过程名 2 IS 3 BEGIN 4 NULL; 5 END; 行1: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE 是一个SQL语句通知Oracle数据库去创建一个叫做skeleton存储过程, 如果存在就覆盖它; 行2: IS关键词表明后面将跟随一个PL/SQL体。 行3: BEGIN关键词表明PL/SQL体的开始。 行4: NULL PL/SQL语句...
在SQL Server中使用If Else可以通过使用条件语句来实现。条件语句可以根据满足特定条件的情况执行不同的代码块。 下面是在SQL Server中使用If Else的基本语法: ``` I...
set @sql = @sql + ' and Version='''+@Version +''' order by id desc' end end else begin set @sql=@sql if(@Version='') begin set @sql=@sql +' and Area='''+@CountryCode+''' order by id desc' end else begin set @sql=@sql +' and Area='''+@CountryCode+''' and Vers...
AnIF...ELSEconstruct can be used in batches, in stored procedures, and in ad hoc queries. When this construct is used in a stored procedure, it's usually to test for the existence of some parameter. IFtests can be nested after anotherIFor following anELSE. The limit to the number of...
An IF...ELSE construct can be used in batches, in stored procedures, and in ad hoc queries. When this construct is used in a stored procedure, it is frequently used to test for the existence of some parameter.IF tests can be nested after another IF or following an ELSE. The limit to...
When this construct is used in a stored procedure, it's usually to test for the existence of some parameter. IF tests can be nested after another IF or following an ELSE. The limit to the number of nested levels depends on available memory. Examples SQL Copy IF DATENAME(weekday, GET...
An IF...ELSE construct can be used in batches, in stored procedures, and in ad hoc queries. When this construct is used in a stored procedure, it is frequently used to test for the existence of some parameter.IF tests can be nested after another IF or following an ELSE. The limit to...
An IF...ELSE construct can be used in batches, in stored procedures, and in ad hoc queries. When this construct is used in a stored procedure, it is frequently used to test for the existence of some parameter. IF tests can be nested after another IF or following an ELSE. The limit ...
否则,程序将执行ELSE语句中的代码,引发一个错误并返回用户未找到的错误消息。RETURN语句用于在存储过程结束时返回结果,以便调用程序可以继续执行其他操作。 相关搜索: 我的查询使用input转换为'stored procedure‘ 仅使用SQL语法生成create stored procedure脚本 Stored procedure 如何在sql server中将完整的Stored_Procedure...
else if @town='bbb' begin //sql语句 end else begin //sql语句 end update t_stat_info set…… GO存储过程人门 字号[大中小] 分类:SQL存储过程|标签:beck716.chaokuai.com 课程目标: 一、TRUNCATE 二、Select INTO建表 把一个表中的数据复制到另外一个表中。