I try to use stored procedured first time in my project. So I have syntax error if I try to use "if","else". If NewProductId equals "0" or null, I do not want to update. else I want to update my NewProductId ALTER PROCEDURE MyProcedured ( @CustomerId INT, @CustomerName VARCH...
AS sql_statement [ ...n ]---调用存储过程---EXECUTEProcedure_name''--存储过程如果有参数,后面加参数格式为:@参数名=value,也可直接为参数值value---删除存储过程---dropprocedureprocedure_name--在存储过程中能调用另外一个存储过程,而不能删除另外一个存储过程 创建存储过程的参数 procedure_name:存储过程...
在PostgreSQL 中,除了标准 SQL 语句之外还支持使用各种过程语言(例如 PL/pgSQL、C、PL/Tcl、PL/Python、PL/Perl、PL/Java 等 )创建复杂的过程和函数,称为存储过程(Stored Procedure)和自定义函数(User-Defined Function)。存储过程支持许多过程元素,例如控制结构、循环和复杂的计算。 使用存储过程带来的好处包括: ...
SQL Server If Else If statement not working I have the following stored procedure that will update, insert or delete. My problem with that the DELETE section is never entered. If I only use the delete section is works fine but adding an 'IF' block before it and the code is never ...
IF <Boolean Expression> <SQL statement> | BEGIN END [ELSE <SQL statement> | BEGIN END] 其中的表达式可以是取布尔值的任意表达式。 提示: 不恰当的使用NULL值是个常见的陷阱。例如经常会有如下错误出现: IF @MyVar = NULL 在大多数系统上(遵循ANSI标准...
存储过程存储过程(stored procedure)有时也称为sproc,它是真正的脚本——或者更准确地说,它是批处理(batch)——它存储于数据库中而不是在单独的文件中。存储过程中有输入参数、输出参数以及返回值等,而脚本中不会真的有这些内容,不过该比较相差也不是太多。目前SQL
Create procedure procedue_name [@parameter data_type][output] [with]{recompile|encryption} as sql_statement 解释: output:表示此参数是可传回的 with {recompile|encryption} recompile:表示每次执行此SQL存储过程时都重新编译一次 encryption:所创建的SQL存储过程的内容会被加密 ...
Array as stored procedure parameter Array data type in SQL server Array's IN SQL SERVER? ASCII values for extended characters Assign empty string '' if datetime is null Assign EXEC output to Variable Assigning NULL value...
Before invoking the create proc statement, the code drops a prior version of the stored procedure if one exists. The drop proc statement references the stored procedure by the schema name (dbo) in which it resides as a qualifier for the stored procedure object name (uspMyThirdStoredPr...