35. else 36. begin 37. set @sql=@sql 38. '') 39. begin 40. set @sql=@sql +' and Area='''+@CountryCode+''' order by id desc' 41. end 42. else 43. begin 44. set @sql=@sql +' and Area='''+@CountryCode+''' and Version='''+ @Version +''' order by id desc' ...
Syntax error on IF statement using stored procedure converted from MS-SQL to MySQL 2 getting error for if/else in a stored procedure 2 Stored Procedure using Where with if else 0 IF ELSE in SQL Server stored procedure 1 IF ELSE in Stored Procedure - Syntax Issue? 1 IF and ELSE in...
INp_introduceTEXT)BEGIN--检查输入参数不为空IFp_userNameISNULLORp_ageISNULLORp_introduceISNULLTHENSIGNALSQLSTATE'45000'SETMESSAGE_TEXT='Input parameters cannot be NULL';ENDIF;--检查userName不以张、王、李、兆开头IFLEFT(p_userName,1)='张'ORLEFT(p_userName,1)='王'ORLEFT(p_userName,1)='李'OR...
IF Boolean_expression { sql_statement | statement_block } [ ELSE { sql_statement | statement_block } ] Argomenti Boolean_expression Espressione che restituisce TRUE o FALSE. Se l'espressione booleana include un'istruzione SELECT, tale istruzione deve essere racchiusa tra parentesi. ...
MySQL中的IF语句是一种条件控制结构,它允许根据特定条件的真假来执行不同的SQL语句块。IF语句通常用于存储过程、函数或触发器中。 基础概念 IF语句的基本语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 IF condition THEN -- 当条件为真时执行的语句块 ELSE -- 当条件为假时执行的语句块(可选) END IF; ...
AnIF...ELSEconstruct can be used in batches, in stored procedures, and in ad hoc queries. When this construct is used in a stored procedure, it's usually to test for the existence of some parameter. IFtests can be nested after anotherIFor following anELSE. The limit to the number of...
Convenzioni della sintassi Transact-SQL IF Boolean_expression { sql_statement | statement_block } [ ELSE { sql_statement | statement_block } ] Argomenti Boolean_expression Espressione che restituisce TRUE o FALSE. Se l'espressione booleana include un'istruzione SELECT, tale istruzione deve essere...
AnIF...ELSEconstruct can be used in batches, in stored procedures, and in ad hoc queries. When this construct is used in a stored procedure, it's usually to test for the existence of some parameter. IFtests can be nested after anotherIFor following anELSE. The limit to the number of...
SQL SELECT*FROMsys.dm_db_tuning_recommendations You can then use thesp_force_planstored procedure to force SQL Server to use a recommended specific plan. SQL EXEC sp_force_plan @query_id = 1187, @plan_id = 1975 Thesp_force_planprocedure is a manual process that's potentially tedious...
AnIF...ELSEconstruct can be used in batches, in stored procedures, and in ad hoc queries. When this construct is used in a stored procedure, it's usually to test for the existence of some parameter. IFtests can be nested after anotherIFor following anELSE. The limit to the number of...