Your code has an error in it. The %ELSE statement doesn't do anything because of a missing %DO. Therefore, the second %PUT statement is always executed. It should read: %macro TEST(); %let prev=3; %do i=1 %to 4; %if &i>2 %then %do; %put prev = 5; %end; %else %do;...
else put @@@do not insert@@@; run; it return : error:unquote array:Execute error:388-105 error 76-322 error:180-322 why and how to fix it...I am weak at sas Marco grammar..thank you 0 Likes 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Astounding PROC Star Re: use macro in if-else statement Poste...
C / ANSI-C Macro Preprocessor if def Simple #if/#else example #include <stdio.h> #define MAX 10 int main(void) { #if MAX>99 printf("Compiled for array greater than 99.\n"); #else printf("Compiled for small array.\n"); #endif return...
If[Status] >0ThenInsert macro actions here ...ElseIf[Status] =0Insert macro actions here ...ElseInsert macro actions here ...EndIf 您可以嵌套If块。 如果要在第一个表达式为 True 时计算另一个表达式,则应考虑在If块中嵌套一个If块。 在下面的代码示例中,仅当 [Status] 的值都大于 0且大于 100...
In function 'main': :36:2: error: #error "MACRO is not exits" error "MACRO is not exits" ^~~~ 9、#if defined()如果定义了某个宏则编译,不管宏的真假 这个#if defined它不管里面的“x”的逻辑是“真”还是“假”它只管这个程序的前面的宏定义里面有没有定义“x”这个宏,如果定义了x这个宏,...
Else rng3.Cells(i, 1).Value = Application.VLookup(ManName, rng2, 2, False) If the Manager Name is found in rng2, the output cell is set to display the Salary based on the VLookup function. Next i ends the loop. End Sub ends the subroutine.Press...
if-else语句的语法格式如下: if(条件表达式) { 语句块1; } else { 语句块2; } 上述语法格式表达的意思是:如果if关键字后面的表达式成立,那么程序就执行语句块1,否则执行语句块2. 代码示例:来源:网络智能推荐SQL语句 从emp列中选出comm中null的 select * from emp where comm is null 限定查询 where子句...
Z makroblokom Če lahko v Accessovih namiznih zbirkah podatkov in Accessovih spletnih aplikacijah pogojno izvedete skupino dejanj makra, odvisno od vrednosti izraza. If expression Then Insert macro actions here ... Else If expression Insert macro actions here ... Else Insert macro ...
If [Status] > 0 Then Insert macro actions here ... Else If [Status] = 0 Insert macro actions here ... Else Insert macro actions here ... End If Voit asettaa Jos-lohkoja sisäkkäin. Jos-lohko kannattaa ehkä asettaa toisen Jos-lohkon sisälle, jos haluat suorittaa toisen...
%else %put Value not in list.; %mend; %test(3) /*Prior to SAS9.2, the following syntax was used*/ %macro test(value); %if &value=1 or &value=2 or &value=3 or &value=4 or &value=5 or &value=6 %then %put Value found within list.; ...