Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)' Disable worksheet protectiontoallow updates Me.Unprotect Password:="YourPassword"If Target.Column=4Then ThisRow=Target.Row Range("e"&ThisRow).Value=Date Range("f"&ThisRow).Value=Format(Time,"Long Time")ElseIf Target.Column=7Then Thi...
if i_string cs gc_esc. i_string = i_string+1. if i_string cs l_cell_end. l_int = sy-fdpos. assign i_string(l_int) to <l_cell>. i_intern_value = <l_cell>. l_int = l_int + 2. i_sic_int = l_int. i_string = i_string+l_int. elseif i_string cs gc_esc. * l...
下面的Excel VBA函数仅在第一个IF条件下工作,ELSEIF不工作 页面内容是否对你有帮助? 有帮助 没帮助 相关·内容 文章(9999+) 问答 视频 沙龙 Excel VBA在一个工作簿内把总表拆分多个工作表 知识点:字典,主要是item中可以是union(),并进行复制 ===代码如下=== Sub 在一个工作簿内把总表拆分多个工作表()...
ElseIf cell.Row > 3 And cell.Column = 1 Then cell.Value = cell.Offset(-1, 6).Value + 1 ' Stop when the last day of the month has been entered. If cell.Value > (FinalDay - StartDay) Then cell.Value = "" ' Exit loop when calendar has correct number of days ' shown. Exit...
IF i_string CS l_cell_end. l_int = sy-fdpos. ASSIGN i_string(l_int) TO <l_cell>. i_intern_value = <l_cell>. l_int = l_int + 2. i_sic_int = l_int. i_string = i_string+l_int. ELSEIF i_string CS gc_esc.
前言:在日常的开发批导报表中,使用的excel上载标准函数ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE,其中存放数据的内表结构,行列数4位长度最大只支持到9999,这样在遇到一些数据量比较大的文件就不满足需求了,所以就需要对该函数进行扩展,保证它能够满足我们的需求。 扩展步骤:# ...
if (m_bFillWithStrings.GetCheck()) saRet.Create(VT_BSTR,2,numElements); else saRet.Create(VT_R8,2,numElements); // Fill the array with data. for (int iRow = 1; iRow <= 5; iRow++) { for (int iCol = 1; iCol <= 5; iCol++) { index[0]=iRow-1; index...
* IF sy-subrc = 0. * APPEND lw_fcat_b TO lt_fieldcat. * ELSE. CLEAR:lw_fcat_b. CASE lw_fieldname_temp-fieldname. WHEN '***'. lw_fcat_b-coltext = '字段描述'. WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. lw_fcat_b-fieldname = lw_fieldname_temp-fieldname. APPEND...
Klikk .xltm hvis arbeidsboken inneholder makroer du vil beholde, og du vil lagre arbeidsboken som en mal. Klikk Lagre. Excel 97-2003-funksjoner som ikke støttes i nyere versjoner Når du åpner en arbeidsbok i Excel 2007 eller nyere som ble opprettet i ...
ELSEIF i_string CS gc_esc. * letzte Celle l_int = sy-fdpos. ASSIGN i_string(l_int) TO <l_cell>. i_intern_value = <l_cell>. l_int = l_int + 1. i_sic_int = l_int. i_string = i_string+l_int. l_int = strlen( i_string ). ...