Running a script with if statement example in bash 你是否注意到,当数字为偶数时,脚本会告诉你,但当数字为奇数时,脚本不会显示任何内容? 让我们使用 else 来改进这个脚本。 使用if else 语句 现在我在前面的脚本中添加了一条else语句。这样,当你得到一个非零模数(因为奇数不能除以 2)时,它将进入else块。
If-statement-Bash-Script-Example if-else Statement 除了普通的 if 语句之外,我们还可以用 else 块扩展 if 语句。基本思想是,如果语句为真,则执行 if 块。如果语句为假,则执行 else 块。 Syntax : if [ condition_command ] then command1 command2 …….. last_command else command1 command2 …….. ...
Running a script with if statement example in bash 你是否注意到,当数字为偶数时,脚本会告诉你,但当数字为奇数时,脚本不会显示任何内容? 让我们使用 else 来改进这个脚本。 使用if else 语句 现在我在前面的脚本中添加了一条 else 语句。这样,当你得到一个非零模数(因为奇数不能除以 2)时,它将进入 else...
The main advantage of using ‘else if’ in bash scripting is that it allows your scripts to handle multiple conditions, making them more flexible and powerful. However, it’s important to be aware of potential pitfalls. For instance, the order of your conditions matters. The script will execu...
When trying to understand the working of a function like if-else in a shell script, it is good to start things simple. Here, we initialize two variables a and b, then use the if-else function to check if the two variables are equal. The bash script should look as follows for this ...
else echo "bbb" fi 运行结果: aaa -lt 是 less than的缩写。 2 shell script 中 if...else 的语法 if 某一判断条件 then ... elif 另一判断条件 then ... else ... fi 再看一个稍微复杂一点的例子: #!/bin/bash echo "Please enter your age:" ...
/bin/bash# Test two number who is bigger#2016-0828 author chawan#[$#-ne2]&&echo"Please give two number !"&&exit1if[$1-ge$2];thenecho"First number$1is bigger"elseecho"Second number$2is bigger"fi[root@localhost test]# chmod +x if12[root@localhost test]# ./if12Please give two ...
Here, based on the result ofTEST_COMMAND, the script either executes theTHEN_EXPRESSIONSorELSE_EXPRESSIONS. Obviously, there’s a lot of spacing in the above scripts, much of which may not be needed. Let’s see how we can use that to our advantage. ...
if else condition bash if shell if bash if else bash script if bash linux script shell script if if else branch if shell bash if then bash if then else linux shell if bash if elif fi if linux shell if else bash script if shell script if else if condition in shell script if else in...