在Kotlin中其实是不存在三元运算符(condition ? then : else)这种操作的。 那是因为if语句的特性(if表达式会返回一个值)故而不需要三元运算符。 例: // 在Java中可以这么写,但是Kotlin中直接会报错。 // var numB: Int = (numA > 2) ? 3 : 5 // kotlin中直接用if..else替代。例: var numB: Int ...
Kotlin'swhenexpression is used to evaluate multiple conditions. It is a more powerful version of Java'sswitchstatement. Thewhenkeyword matches its argument against all branches sequentially until some branch condition is satisfied. It can be used either as an expression or as a statement. when_ex...
A when expression in Kotlin must include conditions for all possible values. For this reason, we say that a when expression must be exhaustive. This is also the reason that you usually need to include an else condition at the bottom. Sometimes you can be exhaustive even without an else cond...
funmain(args:Array<String>){valage:Int=10valresult=if(age>18){println("Given condition is true")"Adult"}else{println("Given condition is false")"Minor"}print("The value of result : ")println(result)} When you run the above Kotlin program, it will generate the following output: ...
但是我们一般是需要else结尾的,而且我们可以用in来表达 当然,你还可以用is来判断类型,这里就不讲了 3.For 循环 4.While 循环 四.Break和continue Kotlin 有三种结构化跳转表达式: return。默认从最直接包围它的函数或者匿名函数返回。 break。终止最直接包围它的循环。
In the above example, we increment the value of x by 1 in each iteration. When x reaches 6, the condition evaluates to false and the loop terminates. do-while loop The do-while loop is similar to while loop except that it tests the condition at the end of the loop. var x = 1 do...
Kotlin中有no ternary operator,因为if是上面简化示例中所示的表达式。
Kotlin中有no ternary operator,因为if是上面简化示例中所示的表达式。
条件语句中的else 什么是else else 就是对于if条件不满足的时候执行另一个代码块的入口 功能 当if...
Useelse ifto specify a new condition to test, if the first condition is false Usewhento specify many alternative blocks of code to be executed Note:Unlike Java,if..elsecan be used as astatementor as anexpression(to assign a value to a variable) in Kotlin. See an example at the bottom...