The statement contains an expression 50 + 25 that returns an integer value 75. So, expressions are part of the statements.In Kotlin, if can be used as an expression. While using if as an expression, the else branch is mandatory to avoid compiler error.In addition, we can assign the ...
Kotlin - if...else Expression - Kotlin if...else expressions works like an if...else expression in any other Modern Computer Programming. So let's start with our traditional if...else statement available in Kotlin.
Useelse ifto specify a new condition to test, if the first condition is false Usewhento specify many alternative blocks of code to be executed Note:Unlike Java,if..elsecan be used as astatementor as anexpression(to assign a value to a variable) in Kotlin. See an example at the bottom...
In this article, You’ll learn how to use Kotlin’s control flow expressions and statements which includes conditional expressions like if, if-else, when and looping statements like for, while, and do-while. If Statement The If statement allows you to specify a section of code that is execu...
When the user enters 5, the test expression number<0 is evaluated to false and the statement inside the body of if is not executed C if...else Statement The if statement may have an optional else block. The syntax of the if..else statement is: if (test expression) { // run code ...
Example: R if...else if...else Statement x <- 0 # check if x is positive or negative or zero if (x > 0) { print("x is a positive number") } else if (x < 0) { print("x is a negative number") } else { print("x is zero") } Output [1] "x is zero" In the abov...
AdvertisementsKotlin if condition Theifkeyword is used to create simple conditional tests. It can be used in conjuction with theelsekeyword. kotlin_if.kt package com.zetcode fun main() { print("Enter your age: ") val s_age: String? = readLine() if (s_age!!.isEmpty()) return val age...
在Kotlin 中,是否可以在“if”条件语句内声明变量? if-statementvariableskotlinoptimization 7 我有这行代码:if (x * y * z > maxProduct) maxProduct = x * y * z 我的问题是每次使用 x * y * z 时都需要重复两遍。我知道我可以在 if 语句之前创建一个变量,像这样: ...