IN 参数标记表示传递给函数的值在该函数执行中不改变; OUT 标记表示一个值在函数中进行计算并通过该参数传递给调用语句; IN OUT 标记表示传递给函数的值可以变化并传递给调用语句. 若省略标记, 则参数隐含为IN。 3) 因为函数需要返回一个值, 所以RETURN 包含返回结果的数据类型. 2. 内嵌函数的调用 函数声明时...
今天,写存储过程时写成了:if...then...else if...else...end if.能编译通过,但是有问题,后来实在是找不到问题怀疑写错了这个语句,后来在网上查了一下,结果不是else if 而是elsif.改过来后就正常了。 Oracle/PLSQL: IF-THEN-ELSE Statement There are three different syntaxes for these types of statemen...
if-else运用 declare v_num number(8); begin v_num :=&n; if v_num>0 and v_num<100 then dbms_output.put_line('工薪阶级'); elsif v_num between 100 and 200 then dbms_output.put_line('中产阶级'); else dbms_output.put_line('资本家'); end if; end; case运用 declare v_num nu...
PLSQLif-then-else语句 PLSQLif-then-else语句 IF-THEN语句的序列之后的ELSE语句的可选序列,ELSE语句块在IF条件为FALSE时执⾏。语法 IF-THEN-ELSE语句的语法是 - IF condition THEN S1;ELSE S2;END IF;其中,S1和S2是不同的语句序列。在IF-THEN-ELSE语句中,当测试条件为TRUE时,执⾏语句S1并跳过S2; ...
ELSE ILevel := 'High Income'; END IF; RETURN ILevel; END; In this example, we've created a function called IncomeLevel. It has one parameter called name_in and it returns a varchar2. The function will return the income level based on the employee's name....
没有区别 if ... else ...; 为一组判断 只有 是或否 if...elsif...else : 可以有多种情况
linux shell 之流程控制 if if else while 2019-05-19 10:20 −(1)流程控制不可以为空; (2)if [ $(ps -ef | grep -c "ssh") -gt 1 ]; then echo "true"; fi 条件用方括号,不是圆括号; (3)for var in item1 item2 ... itemN; do command1; command2... ...
you are actually nesting an IF statement inside of the ELSE part of an outer IF statement. You therefore need one END IF for each nested IF and one for the parent IF...ELSE. (Note that the logic in this program can be simplified considerably by calculating each employee's yearly compensa...
2018.5.27OraclePLSQL编程if-else练习和循环结构练习if-else运⽤ declare v_num number(8);begin v_num :=&n;if v_num>0 and v_num<100 then dbms_output.put_line('⼯薪阶级');elsif v_num between 100 and 200 then dbms_output.put_line('中产阶级');else dbms_output.put_line('资本家'...