IF...THEN...ELSE statements specify an alternative set of statements that should be executed if the condition evaluates to FALSE. In the following example, the previous example is modified so that an IF...THEN...ELSE statement is used to display the textNon-commissionif an employee does not...
今天,写存储过程时写成了:if...then...else if...else...end if.能编译通过,但是有问题,后来实在是找不到问题怀疑写错了这个语句,后来在网上查了一下,结果不是else if 而是elsif.改过来后就正常了。 Oracle/PLSQL: IF-THEN-ELSE Statement There are three different syntaxes for these types of stateme...
8 shell if elif else 2019-12-19 18:59 −if 语句的判断条件,从本质上讲,判断的就是命令的退出状态。 语句语句格式同一行书写注意点用例1用例2 if 语句 if conditionthen statement(s)fi if condition; then statement(s... 声声慢43 0 587
ELSE {...statements...} END IF; Here is an example of a function that uses the IF-THEN-ELSE statement: CREATE OR REPLACE Function IncomeLevel ( name_in IN varchar2 ) RETURN varchar2 IS monthly_value number(6); ILevel varchar2(20); cursor c1 is select monthly_income from employees w...
在PL/SQL 上下文中,可以使用 IF 语句来根据特定条件执行 SQL 语句。 IF 语句的四种格式是: IF...THEN...END IF IF...THEN...ELSE...END IF IF...THEN...ELSE IF...END IF IF...THEN...ELSIF...THEN...ELSE...END IF IF...THEN...END IF ...
1、IF - ELSE Oracle数据库支持使用“IF - ELSE”进行简单的分支判断,语法结构和MSSQL Server的语法类似: IF { condition_1 } THEN { PL-SQL blocks A } ELSE { PL-SQL blocks B } END IF; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 条件语句放在 IF 和 THEN 之间,条件语句成立时执行语句块A,否则执行语...
2) PL/pgSQL if-then-else statement The if...then...else statement executes the statements in the if branch if the condition evaluates to true; otherwise, it executes the statements in the else branch. Here’s the syntax of the if...then...else statement: if condition then statements;...
The IF THEN ELSE statement has the following structure: IF condition THEN statements; ELSE else_statements; END IF; Code language: PostgreSQL SQL dialect and PL/pgSQL (pgsql) If the condition evaluates to TRUE, then the statements between THEN and ELSE execute. In case the condition evaluates...
8 shell if elif else 2019-12-19 18:59 −if 语句的判断条件,从本质上讲,判断的就是命令的退出状态。 语句语句格式同一行书写注意点用例1用例2 if 语句 if conditionthen statement(s)fi if condition; then statement(s... 声声慢43 0 587