如果添加逗号,IF 函数会尝试将其用作参数,Excel 会发出警告。 另一方面,百分比乘数含 % 符号。 这会让 Excel 认为用户希望将这些值显示为百分比。 如若不然,用户需要按其实际百分比值输入,如“E2*0.25”。
今天遇到群友问一个 Excel 的 IF 嵌套公式,无法返回他要的结果,然后群友反应热烈,很多人都表示遇到过这个问题,当时的感受是抓破头都没想明白……这条公式是这样的:= IF(C4<80%, 0, IF(80%<=C4<100%, C4*C11, IF(100%<=C4<110%, C4*D11, IF(110%<=C4<120%, C4*E11, IF(C4>120%, ...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":1749419,"subject":"Excel If Formula","id":"message:1749419","revisionNum":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:822002"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:ExcelGeneral"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:...
IF函数的基础应用 Let's take a look at a scenario where you are tracking student scores. Suppose you have a column of scores and you want to determine if each student has passed or failed, with 60 as the passing mark. You can apply the following formula: =IF(A2>=60, "及格", "不及...
Excel If or formula? I have a formula which looks at a date in column B and returns how many days from that date - thi s formula is =Today()-B3, I have another column with Text which states Major Overdue or other text. ...Show...
Step 1:Open a new Excel sheet and enter the exam scores in column A. Step 2:In an adjacent column (for example, B), enter the following IF formula: =IF(A2>= 60, "Pass", "Fail") Step 3:Press Enter, and the formula will automatically calculate and display the results. ...
How to use the Excel SEARCH function The SEARCH function in Excel gives you the ability to quickly perform complex analyses of large data sets, clean up your data and stay on top of your documents. When used correctly, the Excel SEARCH function is a highly effective tool. In this overview...
get_value = da Else get_value = 0 End IfEnd Function我们再回去看看函数是否生效 为啥不行了呢?原因是VBA取值着range.Formula这玩意是单元格字表值,你选择了公式,他就是公式自己写法,不会换算成值的,修改一下:以上是用EXCEL自身函数和VBA自定义函数,仅供参考!
Blank IF function dialog with empty Formula result IF Function Syntax and Arguments FieldDefinition Logical_test A test on a cell value that is either TRUE or FALSE. Value_if_true The value Excel will put in a cell if the test is true. Value_if_false The value Excel will put in a ce...