If sheet & range LOA!A:A contains text 'John Smith' I want to return the data that's in the corresponding row to 'John Smith' from the same sheet but range K:K. The reason why I need this is 'John Smith' location in A:A will vary from day to day. (i.e The...
If you're using Excel 365, this may work for you: =LET(NovDays,WRAPROWS(TOROW(November,,1),2),FILTER(NovDays,TAKE(NovDays,,-1)<>0)) I've added the above to an Office online calendar template that's similar to your arrangement. maryg1118 If you're using Excel 365, this may w...
To combine two criteria in an IF formula in Excel, use the AND or OR function in addition to the IF function. =whether(AND(A1>50, B1>60), "Pass", "Fail"), for example, will check to see whether the value in cell A1 is more than 50 and the value in cell B1 is greater than ...
If the 2ndargument of your Excel IF formula is omitted (i.e. there are two consecutive commas after the logical test), you'll get zero (0) when the condition is met, which makes no sense in most cases. Here is an example of such a formula: =IF(B2>80, , "Bad") To return a ...
Therefore, they cannot be combined in a formula. For example, which of your conditions would you apply to number 550? If you have multiple conditions, you can use this guide: Nested IF in Excel – formula with multiple conditions. Reply ...
This will return “Profit” if cell D5 is greater than C5. Otherwise, it will return “Loss”. Select the E column and go to the Home tab. From the Conditional Formatting drop-down, select New Rule. Click on the “Use a formula to determine which cells to format” option. In the ...
=IF(A2<>", "No," "") Result The formula will return "No" in the output cell if the A2 cell is not blank. If it's blank, the output cell will remain blank. Example 2: If Cell Contains Text/Number, Then Return a Value (Check for Text) ...
Although Excel can’t issue an allowance, it can calculate the correct amount using a logic test based on whether a cell met a formula condition. For example, I could create a spreadsheet with the Task needed to get an allowance. A value would be applied toward the allowance if the Tasks...
fx正确。请确保先运行此操作,然后通过允许访问来连接工作表: =IMPORTRANGE("1ht6brZFTrTpmh7Wr-M-59ulTRPatvAUEu0QBvqbrxhw", "Data!B1") 连接后使用: =ARRAYFORMULA({"Name"; IFERROR(INDEX( IMPORTRANGE("1ht6brZFTrTpmh7Wr-M-59ulTRPatvAUEu0QBvqbrxhw", "Data!B:B"), MATCH(A2:A, IMPORTRANGE...
B1=IFERROR(time expensive formula,0) 動態計算唯一值 圖7: 計算唯一值的資料清單範例 如果您的清單在欄 A 中共有 11,000 列資料,而且這些資料經常變動,而您需要一個公式可以動態計算清單中具唯一性的項目總數,且不計空白,以下是幾種可能的做法。