在GWAS ID后面的框里输入ieu-a-2,然后点击Filter,在出来的结果中点击ieu-a-2这个结果: 就可以来到下载界面,点击Download VCF即可下载暴露数据的完整的GWAS数据: 下载结局数据也是完全一样的流程,就不重复演示了。我这里为了和前面的在线获取进行比较,结局也选择的是ieu-a-7。 两个数据都下载后是这样的: 这样一...
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MRC-IEU OpenGWAS API Source code for backend ofhttps://gwas.mrcieu.ac.uk/. Seeherefor more details. Elsworth B, Lyon M, Alexander T, Liu Y, Matthews P, Hallett J, Bates P, Palmer T, Haberland V, Davey Smith G, Zheng J, Haycock P, Gaunt TR, Hemani G. The MRC IEU OpenGWAS ...
首先推荐给大家的第一个GWAS数据库就是——IEU OpenGWAS project (mrcieu.ac.uk) 优点:可以和TwoSampleMR包完美配合,十分方便 缺点:数据部分时间有点old,而且大部分我们感兴趣的数据其实不能通过R包进行完美下载 那么,第二个GWAS数据库是——UK Biobank—Neale lab 优点:数据...
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent endocrine and metabolic disorder. Research suggests a potential link between certain micronutrients and PCOS development, but the exact cause-and-effect relationship is unclear. This research utilizes data from extensive genome-wide association studies (GWAS...
Data generated by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are growing fast with the linkage of biobank samples to health records, and expanding capture of high-dimensional molecular phenotypes. However the utility of these efforts can only be fully realised if their complete results are collected from...
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R语言爬取IEU OPEN GWAS,感觉不得劲#数据分析 #sci #干货分享 #科研狗的日常 - 医小研于20231031发布在抖音,已经收获了7622个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
IEU数据下载 打开以下网址:https://gwas./ ,点击datasets: 先找暴露数据的SNP。 在GWAS ID后面的框里输入ieu-a-2,然后点击Filter,在出来的结果中点击ieu-a-2这个结果: 就可以来到下载界面,点击Download VCF即可下载暴露数据的完整的GWAS数据: 下载结局数据也是完全一样的流程,就不重复演示了。我这里为了和前面的...