在特殊因素special factors项下考虑:特殊交流需要communication needs、辅助技术Assistive Technology(如PECS, AAC devices)、替代形式alternate formats for instructional materials、行为干预计划Behavior Intervention Plan、英语熟练度limited English proficiency等。 在学生支持Student Su...
He is not hearing impaired. At all. It’s also important to note that some kids (mine!) have poor processing issues and motor planning issues. So, if you are ‘grading’ his performance based upon his ability to push a button when hearing a sound, you may not get accurate results. ...
The IEP teamshall consider special factorsfor children: whose behavior impedes learning who have limited English proficiency who are blind or visually impaired who are deaf or hard of hearing Educational Placements Parents are key members of the team that decides the child's placement. The placement...
Student’s Full Name: SSID: Date of Birth: Meeting Date: Consideration of Special Factors for IEP Development: (The ARC MUST address each question below and consider these issues in the review and revision of the IEP.) * Does the child’s behavior impede his/her learning or that of ...
Specific Learning Disability: This is an umbrella term for conditions that affect a child’s ability to read, write, listen, speak, reason, or do math. Dyslexia, dysgraphia (impaired writing ability), and dyscalculia (impaired mathematical ability) fall under this category. ...
ADHD and Tourette are both “Other Health Impaired” qualifiers for special ed. Our CA district qualified him for services (years ago), but they are reluctant to give good accommodations in high school. They say it “compromises test security.” Advocate and l will ask for additional time ...