MJeredith创作的外语有声书作品IELTS Superior Speaking,目前已更新1个声音,收听最新音频章节Sample 1 Natural Disasters Part 1。
优秀的 (excellent): 出色的 (outstanding), 杰出的 (remarkable), 优异的 (superior) 善良的 (kind): 友善的 (friendly), 体贴的 (considerate), 和蔼的 (gracious) 有责任感的 (responsible): 负责任的 (accountable), 有担当的 (reliable), 义务感强的 (duty-bound) 吃饭 (eat): 进餐 (dine), 用餐...
A.I usually avoid eating outside and prefer to eat homemade food. Homemade food items have better taste, superior food values and I enjoy my dinner with my family members more than eating in a restaurant or a bistro. Furthermore, restaurant foods are quite expensive in my country. Part 2...
IELTS Superior Speaking has been specifically designed for IELTS candidates whose first language is Chinese. The aim of this IELTS speaking book is threefold. 《IELTS 9 分口语》是专为母语为中文的IELTS考生设计的口语学习书,其主要目的如下:
With their help I managed to improve my speaking by one band, up to 7.5, and their advice for writing was also constructive, encouraging and exactly pointed out my weaknesses which I needed to improve to get a writing band score of 7 or higher....
Answer:Well, in order to become a successful hotel manager, a person would pretty much need to know anything and everything that is related to hotel operation, finance, customer service, hygiene and cleanliness, superior communication skills and team building. Besides, in order to become a succe...
Scoring:Students can give their partner a score of 0-3 for each skill where 0=Not at all, 1=A little, 2=Sometimes, and 3=Always. Dividing the total by four will produce a rough estimate of the student’s overall IELTS Speaking score. ...
- Si encuentras algún problema, por favor intenta abrir: Talkface APP - el signo de interrogación en la esquina superior derecha de la página de inicio - contáctanos directamente y explícanos tu problema, nosotros lo seguiremos y resolveremos. ...
整套系統共分五級--初級(Elementary)、中級(Intermediate)、中高級(High-Intermediate)、高級 (Advanced)、優級(Superior)。根據各階段英語學習者的特質及需求,分別設計題型及命題內容,考生可依能力選擇適當等級報考各級測均針對聽、說、讀、寫四種能力做測驗。
In myprevious post, I talked aboutIELTS preparationwith a focus on the reading section of the exam. In this space, I will try to present some solutions to the challenges that students face in preparing theirlistening and speaking skillsfor those sections. You may doubt your own English languag...